The pharmacologic
activity of garlic involves a variety of organo-sulfur compounds. Dried and
powdered formulations contain many of the organosulfur compounds found in raw
garlic and will likely be standardized to allicin or alliin content. Allicin is
respon-sible for the characteristic odor of garlic, and alliin is its chemical
precursor. Dried powdered formulations are often enteric-coated to protect the
enzyme allinase (the enzyme that converts alliin to allicin) from degradation
by stomach acid. Aged garlic extract has also been studied in clinical trials,
but to a lesser degree than dried, powdered garlic. Aged garlic extract
contains no alliin or allicin and is odor-free. Its primary constituents are
water-soluble organosulfur compounds, and packages may carry a standardiza-tion
to the compound S-allylcysteine.
In vitro, allicin and
related compounds inhibit HMG-CoA reductase, which is involved in cholesterol
biosynthesis , and exhibit antioxidant properties. Several clinical trials have
investigated the lipid-lowering potential of garlic. The most recent
meta-analysis involved 29 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials
and found a small but significant reduc-tion in both total cholesterol (−0.19
mmol/L) and triglycerides (−0.011 mmol/L), but no effect on low- or
high-density lipopro-teins. These results echoed another review in patients
with baseline hypercholesterolemia (total cholesterol > 200 mg/dL) that found
a significant reduction in total cholesterol of 5.8% using garlic for2–6
months. The effect of garlic became insignificant, however, when dietary
controls were in place. Results of a study by the National Center of
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) evaluating three different
sources of garlic (fresh, pow-dered, and aged garlic extract) in adults with
moderately elevated cholesterol contradicted the findings of these reviews and
found no effect of any formulation of garlic versus placebo on LDL
choles-terol. Cumulatively, these data indicate that garlic is unlikely to be
effective in reducing cholesterol to a clinically significant extent. Clinical
trials report antiplatelet effects (possibly through inhibi-tion of thromboxane
synthesis or stimulation of nitric oxide syn-thesis) following garlic
ingestion. A majority of human studies also suggest enhancement of fibrinolytic
activity. These effects in com-bination with antioxidant effects (eg, increased
resistance to low-density lipoprotein oxidation) and reductions in total
cholesterol might be beneficial in patients with atherosclerosis. A randomized,
controlled trial among persons with advanced coronary artery disease who
consumed dried powdered garlic for 4 years showed significant reductions in
secondary markers (plaque accumulation in the carotid and femoral arteries) as
compared with placebo, but primary endpoints (death, stroke, myocardial
infarction) were not assessed.
constituents may affect blood vessel elasticity and blood pressure. A variety
of mechanisms have been proposed. There have been a limited number of
randomized, controlled trials in humans for this indication. Ten trials were
included in a system-atic review and meta-analysis that found no effect on
systolic or diastolic pressure in patients without elevated systolic blood
pres-sure but a significant reduction in systolic and diastolic pressure among
the three trials involving patients with elevated systolic blood pressure.
effect of garlic on glucose homeostasis does not appear to be significant in
persons with diabetes. Certain organosulfur con-stituents in garlic, however,
have demonstrated hypoglycemic effects in nondiabetic animal models.
The antimicrobial effect of garlic has not been extensively studied in clinical trials. Allicin has been reported to have in vitro activity against some gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria as well as fungi (Candida albicans), protozoa (Entamoeba histolytica), and certain viruses. The primary mechanism involves the inhibition of thiol-containing enzymes needed by these microbes. Given the availability of safe and effective prescription antimicrobials, the usefulness of garlic in this area appears limited.
rodent studies, garlic inhibits procarcinogens for colon, esopha-geal, lung,
breast, and stomach cancer, possibly by detoxification of carcinogens and
reduced carcinogen activation. Several epide-miologic case-control studies
demonstrate a reduced incidence of stomach, esophageal, and colorectal cancers
in persons with high dietary garlic consumption.
oral ingestion, adverse effects may include nausea (6%), hypotension (1.3%),
allergy (1.1%), and bleeding (rare). Breath and body odor have been reported
with an incidence of 20–40% at recom-mended doses using enteric-coated powdered
garlic formulations. Contact dermatitis may occur with the handling of raw
of reported antiplatelet effects, patients using anticlotting medications (eg,
warfarin, aspirin, ibuprofen) should use garlic cautiously. Additional
monitoring of blood pressure and signs and symptoms of bleeding is warranted.
Garlic may reduce the bioavailability of saquinavir, an antiviral protease
inhibitor, but it does not appear to affect the bioavailability of ritonavir.
Dried, powdered garlic
products should be standardized to con-tain 1.3% alliin (the allicin precursor)
or have an allicin-generating potential of 0.6%. Enteric-coated formulations
are recommended to minimize degradation of the active substances. A daily dose
of 600–900 mg/d of powdered garlic is most common. This is equivalent to one clove
of raw garlic (2–4 g) per day.
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