of Relational Disorders
Global Assessment of Relational Functioning Scale (GARF) (Group for Advancement
of Psychiatry, 1996) included in DSM-IV-TR is a 1 to 100 scale of overall
relationship functioning, akin to the Global Assessment Scale for individuals.
Recent studies have indicated that the GARF is reliable in clinical settings
and that changes in GARF scores are positively associated with both patient and
therapist-reported change in treatment and with treat-ment satisfaction.
The raw
frequency of relational disorders (broadly defined) in the general population
is unknown. No epidemiological stud-ies have been done, in part because of the
absence of accepted diagnostic criteria for these disorders. There are rather
vague “proxies” of relational disorders that are useful in making esti-mations
of their prevalence, such as the approximate frequencies of divorce in the
general populus (40–50% of all couples) or of marital violence (12–33% of
couples). Factors such as divorce or violence, however, are best thought of as
relational events rather than relational disorders. A single incident of
marital violence does not necessarily signal the presence of a family
relational disorder (in the absence of confirmatory information), nor is a diagnosable
relational disorder in a spousal couple necessarily associated with divorce.
A further
difficulty in making these estimations in the normal population is that certain
of the constructs conveyed, such as expressed emotion (EE) assume the presence
of a psy-chiatric disorder in an index family member. Also, the goal of EE and
other family psychopathological studies has been to examine family
attribute–outcome relationships on a within-group basis in psychiatric
disorders rather than to making com-parisons between families of psychiatric
patients and nonpsychi-atric control subjects. Thus, data are lacking on the
frequencies of high-EE attitudes or other family attributes in normal control
paucity of studies on the frequency of family rela-tional disorders points to
the need to develop strict operational criteria for these disorders and to
conduct epidemiological studies using random sampling techniques, much as is
done for individual disorders. The availability of epidemiological data would
allow us to determine not only the need for treatment of specific relational
disorders, but also their comorbidity with in-dividual or other relational
disorders, their associated features, and the social conditions under which
they are most likely to arise.
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