medial calcific sclerosis is a medial calcification of
medium-sized(muscular) arteries, such as femoral, tibial, radial, and ulnar
arteries. It is asymp-tomatic, but may be detected by x-ray.
refers to sclerosis of arterioles; it affects small arteries
and arte-rioles. Microscopically, either hyaline arteriolosclerosis (pink,
glassy arterial wall thickening with luminal narrowing seen in benign
hypertension, diabetes, and aging) or hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis
(smooth-muscle proliferation resulting in concentric [“onion skin”] wall
thickening and luminal narrowing seen in malignant hypertension) may occur.
Atherosclerosis is
a common vascular disorder characterized by lipid depositionand intimal
thickening of large and medium-sized (elastic and muscular) arteries,resulting
in fatty streaks and atheromatous plaques over a period of decades (a type of
chronic inflammatory condition). Particularly likely to be affected are the
aorta and a number of important muscular arteries (coronary, carotid, cerebral,
renal, iliac, and popliteal arteries).
Risk factors for atherosclerosis are as follows:
The earliest (clinically reversible)
stage in atherosclerosis is the fatty
streak, which is seen grossly as a flat, yellow intimal streak and is
characterized microscopically by lipid-laden macrophages (foam cells).
atheromatous plaques have a dense fibrous cap, a small lipid core andless
inflammation than their vulnerable counterparts. They cause chronic ischemia.
atheromatous plaques are at risk for rupture, thrombosis
or embolizationdue to their composition (thin fibrous cap, large lipid core,
dense inflammation).
complications of atherosclerosis are protean; these complications include
ischemic heart disease (myocardial infarctions); cerebrovascular accidents
(CVA); atheroemboli (transient ischemic attacks [TIAs] and renal infarcts);
aneurysm for-mation; peripheral vascular disease; and mesenteric artery
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