Actinomyces are
Gram-positive bacilli that grow slowly (4 – 10 days) under microaerophilicor
strictly anaerobic conditions. The organisms typically appear as elongated
Gram-positive rods that branch at acute angles and often show irregular
staining. In pus the most character-istic form is the sulfur granule. This
yellow – orange granule, named for its gross resem-blance to a grain of sulfur,
is a small colony (usually < 0.3 mm) of intertwined branching Actinomyces filaments solidified with
elements of tissue exudate.
Species of Actinomyces
are distinguished on the basis of biochemical reactions, cul-tural features,
and cell wall composition. Most human actinomycosis is caused by Actino-myces israelii, but other species
have been isolated from typical actinomycotic lesions.Propionibacterium propionicum originally classified with the Actinomyces, can produceclinically
similar disease. Other species of Actinomyces
have been associated with dental and periodontal infections .
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