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Chapter: Business Science : Rural Marketing : Rural Market and Decision

Characteristics of Rural Consumer

Demonstrations, Targeting Opinion Leaders, Employing Trained Sales Persons Lack of Strong Brand Consciousness


Demonstrations, Targeting Opinion Leaders, Employing Trained Sales Persons Lack of Strong Brand Consciousness


Generally ask for the product and not the brand.


Indian consumers, on an average, try about six brands of same package goods product in one year, compared to two for Americans.


Consumption by Age and Stages of the life cycle

Occupation and Income


In the rural sector, a range of goods and services beyond the very basic ones are bought by a consumer, influenced by the occupation and income of the individual. Fishermen buy a boat and large nets, whereas a farmer opts first for a tractor and pump set.


Economic circumstances


1. Unfavorable economic condition to adopt high cost technology.


2. High cost of inputs.


3. Underprivileged rural industries


The main agricultural product that controls the fate of the rural economy in India are as follows:


Food Grains - Rice, Wheat, Pulses, Cereals, Corn, Maize, Rice Bran Extractions, Sorghum, Soy meal, Suji, Parmal, Lentils, Jowar, Bajra, Chick pea.


Fruits and Nuts - Cashew Kernels, Cashew Nut, Cashews, Almonds, Roasted Dry Fruits, Peanuts, Groundnut, Walnut Kernels, Walnuts, Indian Peanuts, HPS Groundnuts.


Fruits - Bananas, Beans, Cherry, Cucumbers, Dried Fruits, Dried Truffles, Carrots, Lemon, Mandarins, Mango steens, Meslin, Shallots, Apples, Asparagus, Grapes, Oranges, Gherkins, Turnips, Oranges, Papaya, Pineapple.


Vegetables –Potatoes, Bitter gourd, Stripe Gourd, Pumpkin, cauliflower, Cabbage, Tomato, Onion, Green Pepper, Drum Sticks, Lady's finger, Banana, Papaya, Spinach, Cucumber, Mushroom, Mushroom Spawn, Radiata.


Seeds, Buds, Plantation and Related Products - Basil Seed, Cumin seeds, Dill Seed, Buds, Celery Seed, Hybrid Seeds, Sesame Seeds, Sesbania Seed, Sunflower Seeds, Mustard Seeds, Oil Seeds, Plant Products, Plantation, Plants, Psyllium Seed, Fennel Seed, Fenugreek Seed, Herb Seeds, Tamarind Seed, Vegetable Seeds.


Spices - Black Pepper, Chilli Powder, Chillies, Cinnamon, Cloves, Coriander Powder, Cumin, Curry Powders, Dry Ginger, Dry Red Chilly, Cardamom, Anise, Salt, Onion Powder, Pepper, Fenugreek, Clove, Ginger, Turmeric, Turmeric Powder.


Tea and Coffee - Black Tea, Coffee, Coffee Beans, Darjeeling Teas, Assam Teas, Instant Coffee, Leaf Coffee, Leaf Tea, Packaged Tea, Green Tea, CTC Teas.


Tobacco and Tobacco Products - Beedi, Betel nut Leaves, Betel nut, Bidi Leaves, Chewing Tobacco, Cigarettes, Arecanut, Jarda, Scented Tobacco, Smoking Tobbacco, Snuff, Opium, Pan, Chatni, Pan Masala, Gutkazarda, Zafrani Zarda.

 Cotton, Rubber, Jute etc.


Personality and Brand Belief


Expression of the core values & characteristics of a brand with emphasis on human personality traits e.g. friendly, intelligent, innovative


Process of transforming brand into a person or humanizing the brand. Acts as brand differentiator &offers sustainable competitive advantage


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