Term 2 Chapter 2 | 2nd EVS Environmental Science - Water | 2nd EVS Environmental Science : Term 2 Unit 2 : Water

Chapter: 2nd EVS Environmental Science : Term 2 Unit 2 : Water


You will learn about * The journey of rain * The sources of water

Unit 2




You will learn about

* The journey of rain

* The sources of water


Journey of Rain


Rain Drops

Drip drop drip drop, they drop from the sky

One by one they multiply

Drip drop drip drop, they fall on the ground

Everywhere with a lovely sound

Drip drop drip drop, they seep into the ground

To grow healthy saplings all around

 On hot sunny days, they go back to the sky

 To come again on another cloudy day

Drip drop drip drop, they drop all the way

To keep all of us happy


complete the sentences using the picture clues.

(rainy, sun, play, bucket, water, happy, plants )


1. It was a rainy day.

2. I could not go out to play

3. I placed a bucket to collect rain water.

4. After sometime, the  sun shone again.

5. The bucket was filled with water

6. I watered some plants with it.

7. I felt very happy


water from Glaciers

A glacier is a slow-moving block of ice.

I am a water drop from the snowy mountains. I flow from the glacier when the weather becomes warm.

From the glacier many of us join together to form small streams.

Many mountain streams join together to form a river.

Sometimes rivers or streams flow down as waterfalls.

As a river, I continue my journey across forests, villages and cities. Farmers use me for farming and people use me for drinking, cooking and for other needs. I finally reach the sea.

This is what I do with the water left in my water bottle.


Sequence the pictures by numbering them.


Sources of Water


  I am a raindrop. I fall on the earth and fill ponds, lakes and rivers. Rivers flow while lakes and ponds do not Lakes are bigger than ponds.

I fall on the ground and seep underground too. People dig wells and borewells to reach me. They also use pumps to lift me up from the ground. People use me for their needs.

Think! Why do lakes and ponds have less water in summer? Discuss.


water : From the River to the House

River / Lake / Dam → Large pipes → Over head tank → Sump → House water tank → Tap


Do you know: If you have fever, be sure to drink a lot of water; it will help to bring down the fever.


Let Us Discuss


Draw an arrow to indicate the direction of the flow of water/juice

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