Water (Term 2 Chapter 2 | 2nd EVS Environmental Science)
1. Name the pictures
( River, Waterfall, Lake, Pond, Glacier, Sea, Stream, Well, Hand
pump )
2. Fill in the blanks.
(sea, rain, hand pump, glacier, waterfall )
1. Rain is the main source of water.
2. A river flows down as a waterfall.
3. A glacier is a block of ice.
4. A river finally reaches the sea.
5. A hand pump is used to lift water from the ground
3. In the crossword,
circle the words given below the pictures.
Self Evaluation
I know about the journey of rain.
I know about the various sources of water.
* I can identify the sources that supply water
to my neighbourhood.
Tags : Water | Term 2 Chapter 2 | 2nd EVS Environmental Science , 2nd EVS Environmental Science : Term 2 Unit 2 : Water
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2nd EVS Environmental Science : Term 2 Unit 2 : Water : Questions with Answers | Water | Term 2 Chapter 2 | 2nd EVS Environmental Science