Idioms are groups of words put together as a unit with a particular meaning. The meaning of the word is not literal. For example, if one says thatthe cat is out of the bag then it does not literally mean the cat is out of the bag but it has a figurative meaning which means the secret is out. That’s why the meaning of idioms cannot be assumed based on the individual meaning of the words but by studying the words as a unit.
1. Lalitha takes a late night walk in the beach once in a blue moon.
In the above sentence ‘once in a blue moon’ is an idiom which means an event that happens rarely.
2. The women cricketers were on the ball in their last over of the match.
In the above sentence ‘on the ball’ is an idiom which means when someone understands the situations well.
A Phrase, on the other hand, is a small group of words put together as a conceptual unit. It does not take a figurative meaning. The meaning of the word is literal. It can be long or short but it does not include the subject- verb pairing, necessary to make a clause. For example, ‘looking stunning’; to live and breathe’; ‘comfortable bed’.
1. Next–week, Prasanth has planned to visit the countryside. In the above sentence, to visit the countryside is a phrase with the conceptual meaning of going on a visit to the countryside.
2. The child hid under the stairs when the mother called her for a bath. In the above sentence, under the stairs is a phrase.
A Phrasal verb is an idiomatic phrase consisting of a verb and another element, typically an adverb or a preposition or both, the meaning of which is different from the meaning of its separate parts. For example see to, or a combination of both, such as look down on.
1. The crew ran out of water and food before they could complete their expedition.
In the above sentence, ran out is a phrasal verb which means to use completely.
2. The Police personnel instructed the mob to go away from the place during the strike.
In the above sentence, go away is a phrasal verb which means to leave from the place.
IDIOMS - Answer
l. Competent - on the ball
2. Become more confident in expressing oneself - find one’s voice
3. Extremely happy - over the moon
4. To accept a challenge with confidence - bring it on
5. Listen - lend an ear
1. io meet or find by chance - come across
2. to exercise - work out
3. Mentally agile - sharp as a tack
4. To have a friendly relationship - get along
5. To keep something - hang on
1. The airhostess instructed the passengers to wear the seat belts during the take off
2. Venkat felt happy to get along with the neighbours in the new locality.
3. There will be a shut down next week in the office.
4. Doing warm up every day in the morning keeps one healthy.
5. The mother instructed the maid to look after the child carefully.
Riya is a young dancer who feels contented and satisfied with herself. Let's hear from her.
Hi, everyone! I am Riya. I suppose I’m really lucky because I don’t put on weight easily. I never in work out the gym and the only time I stretch out is when I need something from the top shelf. I tried aerobics several times but I couldn’t keep up with the others. I take my pet for a walk thrice a day though, and that helps to burn off the calories. I usually watch what I eat but I sometimes binge on icecream.
My sister Diya, is a real fitness fanatic. Before she works out she warms up every day with push ups, sit ups, stretches and a jog around the park. She says it’s important to build up good levels of strength and stamina. I don’t want to overdo it though. A fitness regime like hers would tire me out!
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