us think and do
Circle / underline the
correct word.
palace / house
people / angle
Fill in the blanks.
The king wants to build a palace with wood .
The tree angel came in the king's dream.
us make
Let us make prints with
* Ask
the children to bring different types of leaves.
* Paint
one side of the leaf with any colour you like.
* Press
the coloured side on the textbook.
* Now,
take the leaf out.
* Blow
and dry the colour.
Note to the teacher: Give instructions to the
children. Ask the children to listen and follow. You can ask the children make
another print to display in the class.
Big Picture
When does he get up?
He gets up at 5 o’ clock
When does he go to bed?
He goes to bed at 9 o’
When does he celebrate his birthday?
He celebrates his
birthday on 7th March.
When does his summer holiday begin?
His summer holiday
begins on 15th April.
When does his school reopen?
His school reopens on 2nd
When do we celebrate the Independence day?
We celebrate the
Independence day on 15th August.
When does he visit library?
He visits the library on
29th January.
Note to the teacher: Encourage
the children to answer orally. Teach them to ask and answer questions with “when…?”
practise the structure contextually in the class.
I Can Do
1. Look at the pictures
and name it.
( Coconut fiber, turtle, coconut leaves )
2. Circle / underline the
words with ce.
cement cider ice nice policy
3. Circle/ underline the
words with ci.
city civil spice pencil
4. Circle/ underline the words with cy.
cycle mercy
twice circus fancy
5. Recite the poem Wonderful tree with intonation.
6. Listen and circle the
words that your teacher says twice.
Kavi and I visit the palace. It is
very big. It has big wooden doors. The pillars are big and round. We could not
hug the pillar fully. Soon, it will dark outside so we go home.
Note to the teacher: Read the words - wooden, pillar, palace,
round and dark one more time to the
7. Listen to the
teacher and answer.
How will you ask me for a pen?
Do you have a pen?
Yes, I have
8. Look at the
picture and fill with me, him, her or us.
a. She
danced with him.
b. My dad
went to market without me.
c. Our
teacher helps us.
d. Gowri
always makes her laugh.
9. Write the correct
a. Can you help her
with homework? (her/it)
b. Lilly likes to play carrom, with him. (he/him).
c. Abi saw her
at the bus stop. (she/her)
d. Milk gives us
energy. (we/us)
e. Selvi brought me
delicious food. (I/me)
Now I can...
Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour
the balloon when they achieve the learning outcome.
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