The Envious Neighbour
A Japanese Folk Tale
Now read the Japanese folk tale
about two neighbours and how their character changed their lives.
In the old, old days, there lived an honest man
with his wife, who had a pet dog, which they used to feed with fish and tit-bit from their own
kitchen. One day, as the old folks went out to work in their garden, the dog
went with them, and began playing about. All of a sudden, the dog stopped
short, and began to bark, “Bow, wow, wow!” wagging his tail violently.
The old people thought that there must be
something nice to eat under the ground, so they brought a spade and began
digging, when, lo and behold! The place was full of gold pieces and silver, and
all sorts of precious things, which had been buried there. So, they gathered
the treasure and after giving alms to the poor, bought themselves rice-fields
and corn-fields, and became wealthy people.
Now, in the neighbouring house there dwelt a covetous and stingy old couple, who when they
heard what had happened, came and borrowed the dog and having taken him home,
prepared a great feast for him, and said— “If you please, Mr. Dog, we should be
much obliged to you if you would show us a
place with plenty of money in it.”
The dog, however, who up to that time had
received nothing but cuffs and kicks from his hosts, would not eat any of the
dainties which they set before him; so, the old people began to get cross, and,
putting a rope around the dog’s neck, led him out into the garden. But it was
all in vain; he let them lead him where they might, not a sound would the dog
utter. He had no “bow-wow” for them. At last, however, the dog stopped at a
certain spot, and began to sniff. So, thinking that this must surely be the
lucky place, they dug, and found nothing but a quantity of dirt and nasty
offal, over which they had to hold their noses. Furious at being disappointed,
the wicked old couple seized the dog, and killed him.
When the good old man saw that the dog, whom he
had lent, did not come home, he went next door to ask what had become of him;
and the wicked old man answered that he had killed the dog and buried him at
the root of a pine-tree; so the good old fellow, with a heavy heart, went to
the spot, and having set out a tray with delicious food, he burnt incense, and
adorned the grave with flowers, as he shed tears over his lost pet.
That night, when the good old man was fast
asleep in bed, the dog appeared to him, and, after thanking him for all his
kindness, said “Cause the pine-tree, under which I am buried, to be cut down
and made into a mortar, and use it, thinking
of it as if it were myself.”
Do you know
Dogs were domesticated from
wolves 15,000 years ago. New evidence suggests that dogs were first
domesticated in East Asia, possibly China. Over time, hundreds of breeds with a
great degree of variation have come into being.
The old man did as the dog had told him to do,
and made a mortar out of the wood of the pine-tree; but when he ground his rice
in it, each grain of rice turned into some rich treasure. When the wicked old
couple saw this, they came to borrow the mortar; but no sooner did they try to
use it, all their rice turned into filth; so, in a fit of rage, they broke the
mortar and burnt it. But the good old man, little suspecting that his precious
mortar had been broken and burnt, wondered why his neighbours did not bring it
back to him.
One night the dog appeared to him again in a
dream, and told him what had happened, adding that if he would take the ashes
of the burnt mortar and sprinkle them on withered
trees, the trees would revive, and suddenly put out flowers. After saying this
the dream vanished, and the old man, who heard for the first time of the loss
of his mortar, ran out weeping to the neighbours’ house, and begged them, at
any rate, to give him back the ashes of his treasure.
Having obtained it, he returned home, and made
a trial of their virtues upon a withered cherry tree, which, upon being touched
by the ashes, immediately began to sprout and blossom. When he saw this
wonderful effect, he put the ashes into a basket, and went about the country,
announcing himself as an old man who had the power of bringing dead trees to
life again.
A certain prince, hearing of this, and thinking
it a mighty strange thing, sent for the old fellow, who showed his power by
causing all the withered plum and cherry trees to shoot out and put forth
flowers. So, the prince gave him a rich reward of pieces of silk and cloth and
other presents, and sent him home rejoicing.
Do you now
Dogs in warfare have a very long
history starting in ancient times. From being trained in combat, to their use
as scouts, sentries and trackers, their uses have been varied and some continue
to exist in modern military usage.
As soon as the neighbours heard of this they
collected all the ashes that remained, and having put them in a basket, the
wicked old man went out into the castle town, and gave out that he was the old
man who had the power of reviving dead trees, and causing them to flower. He
had not to wait long before he was called into the prince’s palace, and ordered
to exhibit his power.
But when he climbed up into a withered tree,
and began to scatter the ashes, not a bud or flower appeared; but the ashes all
flew into the prince’s eyes and mouth, blinding and choking him. When the
prince’s retainers saw this, they seized the old man, and beat him almost to
death, so that he crawled off home in a very sorry plight. When he and his wife
found out what a trap they had fallen into, they scolded themselves.
The good old man and woman, as soon as they
heard of their neighbours’ distress, sent for them, and, after reproving them
for their greed and cruelty, gave them a share of their own riches, which, by
repeated strokes of luck, had now increased to a goodly sum. So, the wicked old
people mended their ways, and led good and virtuous lives ever after.
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