of Report of Committee on The Financial Aspects on Corporate Governance, 1992
under the chairmanship of Sir Adrian Cadbury set up by the London Stock
Exchange, the Financial Reporting Council and accounting professions to focus
on the control and reporting functions of boards, and on the role of auditors.
Role of Board of Directors
The Report introduced "The Code
of Best Practice" directing the boards of directors of all listed
companies registered in the UK, and also encouraging as many other companies as
possible aiming at compliance with the requirements. All listed companies
should make a statement about their compliance with the Code in their report
and accounts as well as give reasons for any areas of non compliance. It is
divided into four sections:
1. Board of Directors:
(a) The board should meet regularly,
retain full and effective control over the company and monitor the executive
(b) There should be a clearly accepted
division of responsibilities at the head of a company, which will ensure a
balance of power and authority, such that no one individual has unfettered
powers of decision.
(c) Where the chairman is also the chief
executive, it is essential that there should be a strong and independent
element on the board, with a recognized senior member, that is, there should be
a lead
independent director.
(d) All directors should have access
to the advice and services of the company secretary, who is responsible to the
Board for ensuring that board procedures are followed and that applicable rules
and regulations are complied with.
2. Non-Executive Directors:
(a) The non-executive directors should
bring an independent judgment to bear on issues of strategy, performance,
resources, including key appointments, and standards of conduct.
(b) The majority of non-executive
directors should be independent of management and free from any business or
other relationship which could materially interfere with the exercise of their independent
judgment, apart from their fees and shareholding.
3. Executive Directors:
There should be full and clear
disclosure of directors' total emoluments and those of the chairman and
highest-paid directors, including pension contributions and stock options, in
the company's annual report, including separate figures for salary and
performance-related pay.
4. Financial Reporting and Controls:
It is the duty of the board to
present a balanced and understandable assessment of their company's position,
in reporting of financial statements, for providing true and fair picture of
financial reporting. The directors should report that the business is a going
concern, with supporting assumptions or qualifications as necessary. The board
should ensure that an objective and professional relationship is maintained
with the auditors.
Role of Auditors
The Report recommended for the
constitution of Audit Committee with a minimum of three non-executive members
majority of whom shall be independent directors.
The Report recommended that a
professional and objective relationship between the board of directors and
auditors should be maintained, so as to provide to all a true and fair view of
company's financial statements. Auditors' role is to design audit in suc h a
manner so that it provide a reasonable assurance that the financial statements
are free of material misstatements.
The Report recommended for rotation
of audit partners to prevent the relationships between the management and the
auditors becoming too comfortable.
& Responsibilities of Shareholders
The Report emphasizes on the need
for fair and accurate reporting of a company's progress to its shareholders.
The Report placed importance on the role of institutional investors/
shareholders and encouraged them to make greater use of their voting rights and
take positive interest in the board functioning. Both shareholders and boards
of directors should consider how the effectiveness of general meetings could be
increased as well as how to
strengthen the accountability of boards of directors to shareholders.
in India:
The initiatives taken by Government
in 1991, aimed at economic liberalization and globalization of the domestic
economy, led India to initiate reform process in order to suitably respond to
the developments taking place world over. On account of the interest generated
by Cadbury Committee Report, the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), the
Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASSOCHAM) and, the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (SEBI) constituted Committees to recommend initiatives
Corporate Governance.
of Indian Industry (CII) - Desirable Corporate Governance: A Code
CII took a special initiative on
Corporate Governance, the first institution initiative in Indian Industry. The
objective was to develop and promote a code for Corporate Governance to be adopted
and followed by Indian companies, whether in the Private Sector, the Public
Sector, Banks or Financial Institutions, all of which are corporate entities.
The final draft of the said Code was widely circulated in 1997. In April 1998,
the Code was released. It was called Desirable Corporate Governance: A Code. A
brief summary of the Desirable Corporate Governance Code is reproduced
The full board should meet a minimum
of six times a year, preferably at an interval of two months, and each meeting
should have agenda items that require at least half a day's discussion.
listed company with a turnover of Rs.100 crores and above should have
professionally competent, independent, non-executive directors, who should
least 30 per cent of the board if the Chairman of the company is a
non-executive director,
least 50 per cent of the board if the Chairman and Managing Director is the
same person.
Recommendation III
No single person should hold directorships
in more than 10 listed companies. This ceiling excludes directorships in
subsidiaries (where the group has over 50 per cent equity stake) or associate
companies (where the group has over 25 per cent but no more than 50 per cent
equity stake).
Recommendation IV
For non-executive directors to play
a material role in corporate decision making and maximizing long term
shareholder value, they need to:
active participants in boards, not passive advisors;
clearly defined responsibilities within the board such as the Audit Committee;
how to read a balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow statements and
financial ratios and have some knowledge of various company laws. This, of
course, excludes those who are invited to join boards as experts in other
fields such as science and technology.
Recommendation V
To secure better effort from
non-executive directors companies should:
• Pay a commission over and above
the sitting fees for the use of the professional inputs. The present commission
of 1% of net profits (if the company has a managing director), or 3% (if there
is no managing director) is sufficient.
• Consider offering stock options,
so as to relate rewards to performance. Commissions are rewards on current
profits. Stock options are rewards contingent upon future appreciation of
corporate value. An appropriate mix of the two can align a non-executive
director towards keeping an eye on short- term profits as well as longer term
shareholder value.
Recommendation VI
While re-appointing members of the
board, companies should give the attendance record of the concerned directors.
If a director has not been present (absent with or without leave) for 50 per
cent or more meetings, then this should be explicitly stated in the resolution
that is put to vote.
Recommendation VII
Key information that must be
reported to, and placed before, the board must contain:
operating plans and budgets, together with up-dated long term plans.
budgets, manpower and overhead budgets.
results for the company as a whole and its operating divisions or business
audit reports, including cases of theft and dishonesty of a material nature.
cause, demand and prosecution notices received from revenue authorities which
are considered to be materially important (Material nature if any exposure that
exceeds 1 per cent of the
company's net worth).
in payment of interest or non-payment of the principal on any public deposit
and/or to any secured creditor or financial institution.
or serious accidents, dangerous occurrences, and any effluent or pollution
such as non-payment of inter-corporate deposits by or to the company, or
materially substantial non-payment for goods sold by the company.
• Any issue which involves possible public
or product liability claims of a substantial nature, including any judgment or
order which may have either passed strictures on the conduct of the company, or
taken an adverse view regarding another enterprise that can have negative
implications for the company.
of any joint venture or collaboration agreement.
that involve substantial payment towards goodwill, brand equity, or
intellectual property.
and remuneration of senior officers just below the board level, including
appointment or removal of the Chief Financial Officer and the Company
problems and their proposed solutions.
details of foreign exchange exposure and the steps taken by management to limit
the risks of adverse exchange rate movement, if material.
Recommendation VIII
companies with either a turnover of over Rs.100 crores or a paid-up capital of
Rs. 20 crores should set up Audit Committees within two years.
at least three members, all drawn from a company's non-executive directors,
who should have adequate knowledge
of finance, accounts and basic elements of company law.
• To be effective, the Audit
Committees should have clearly defined Terms of Reference and its members must
be willing to spend more time on the company's work vis-à-vis other
non-executive directors.
Committees should assist the board in fulfilling its functions relating to
accounting and reporting practices,
financial and accounting controls, and financial statements and proposals that
accompany the public issue of any security - and thus provide effective
supervision of the financial reporting process.
Committees should periodically interact with the statutory auditors and the
internal auditors to ascertain the quality and veracity of the company's
accounts as well as the capability of the auditors themselves.
• For Audit Committees to discharge
their fiduciary responsibilities with due diligence, it must be incumbent upon
management to ensure that members of the committee have full access to
financial data of the company, its subsidiary and associated companies,
including data on contingent liabilities, debt exposure, current liabilities,
loans and investments.
• By the fiscal year 1998-99, listed
companies satisfying criterion (1) should have in place a strong internal audit
department, or an external auditor to do internal audits.
Recommendation IX
Under "Additional Shareholder's
Information", listed companies should give data on:
and low monthly averages of share prices in a major Stock Exchange where the
company is listed for the reporting year.
Statement on
value added, which
is total income
minus the cost
of all inputs
administrative expenses.
• Greater detail on business
segments, up to 10% of turnover, giving share in sales revenue, review of
operations, analysis of markets and future prospects.
Recommendation X
Consolidation of Group Accounts
should be optional and subject to:
FIs allowing companies to leverage on the basis of the group's assets, and
Income-tax Department using the group concept in assessing corporate
a company chooses to voluntarily consolidate, it should not be necessary to
annex the accounts of its subsidiary companies under Section 212 of the
Companies Act.
if a company consolidates, then the definition of "group" should
include the parent company and its subsidiaries (where the reporting company
owns over 50% of voting stake).
Recommendation XI
Major Indian stock exchanges should
gradually insist upon a compliance certificate, signed by the CEO and the CFO,
which clearly states that:
management is responsible for the preparation, integrity and fair presentation of
financial statements and other
information in the Annual Report, and which also suggest that the company will
continue in business in the course of the following year.
accounting policies and principles conform to standard practice, and where they
do not, full disclosure has been made of any material departures.
board has overseen the company's system of internal accounting and
controls systems either through its
Audit Committee (for companies with a turnover of Rs.100 crores or paid- up
capital of Rs. 20 crores) or directly.
Recommendation XII
For all companies with paid-up
capital of Rs. 20 crores or more, the quality and quantity of disclosure that
accompanies a GDR issue should be the norm for any domestic issue.
Recommendation XIII
The Government must allow far
greater funding to the corporate sector against the security of shares and
other paper.
Recommendation XIV
It would be desirable for FIs as
pure creditors to re-write their covenants to eliminate having nominee
directors except:
the event of serious and systematic debt default; and
case of the debtor company not providing six- monthly or quarterly operational
data to the concerned FI(s).
Recommendation XV
any company goes to more than one credit rating agency, then it must divulge in
the prospectus and issue document the rating of all the agencies that did such
an exercise.
is not enough to state the ratings. These must be given in a tabular format
that shows where the company stands relative to higher and lower ranking. It
makes considerable difference to an investor to know whether the rating agency
or agencies placed the company in the top slots or in the middle or in the
• It
is essential that we look at the quantity and quality of disclosures that
accompany the issue of company bonds, debentures, and fixed deposits in the USA
and Britain - if only to learn what more can be done to inspire confidence and
create an environment of transparency.
• Companies which are making foreign
debt issues cannot have two sets of disclosure norms: an exhaustive one for the
foreigners, and a relatively minuscule one for India n investors.
Recommendation XVI
Companies that default on fixed
deposits should not be permitted to:
further deposits and make inter-corporate loans or investments until the
default is made good; and
dividends until the default is made good.
Gist of Cove rage of CII Desirable Corporate Governance: A
Recommendation XVI
Recommendation I
Frequency of Board meetings
Recommendation II
Board Composition
Recommendation III
No. of directorships
Recommendation IV
Role, Responsibilities, Qualifications of Non-executive
V Directors
VI Remuneration of
non-executive directors
VII Disclosure of attendance
record for reappointment
VIII Key information to the Board
IX Audit Committee
X Disclosure on shareholder
XI Consolidated Accounts
XII Compliance certificate
XIII Disclosure relating to
Global Depository Receipts (GDR)
Recommendation Funding
Nominee Director
Recommendation XV
Disclosure of Ratings
Default on fixed deposits by company
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