Family Therapy
therapy is built upon the premise that a therapist is responsible for planning
a strategy that solves successfully the family’s presenting problem. The
therapist sets clear goals that intervene by changing relational and
communicational processes in the family (Madanes, 1981; Stanton, 1981).
Strategic therapy was designed as a counterpoint to psychodynamic psychotherapy
by emphasizing “how” people can behave differently in order to solve problems,
rather than “why” they behave as they do.
The focus
of strategic therapy is upon problem solving. Prob-lems are viewed as
persistent efforts by one or more family members to apply a solution that makes
sense but is inadequate for the problem at hand, such that “the solution
becomes the problem”. Common-sense understandings often lead people to pursue
unsuccessful strategies even though it ought to be ap-parent that the problem is
not resolving. For example, people intuitively attempt to cheer up a person who
is depressed, even though cheering up (a solution) usually makes the depression
(the problem) worse.
therapists commonly view clinical problems as emerging out of difficult
life-cycle transitions, both predictable ones (e.g., marriage, birth of a
child, separating/individuating of an adolescent) and unpredictable ones (e.g.,
loss of job, sudden illness, a death in the family) that necessitate shifting
to new pat-terns of perceiving and acting. At such times when innovative
problem-solving is needed, people nevertheless persist with once successful
strategies that are now outdated.
therapists are most interested in the here-and-now context of the problem,
rather than in its history. They seek to learn what each involved person
believes about the problem and how these beliefs are acted upon in efforts to
generate a solution. Questions are asked about who, what, when, where and how
peo-ple are involved, in order to ascertain how moves are sequenced in the
family game.
central aim of a strategic therapist is to motivate family mem-bers to try
novel solutions, rather than repeating what has been tried in the past. Psychoeducation,
direct behavioral assignments, and paradoxical or defiance-based directives are
the cornerstones of strategic therapy. In-session interventions and
out-of-session homework are used. Strategic therapists have become best known
for their paradoxical directives. Paradoxical directives include:
or Relabeling the Symptom By changing the context of actions constituting
the symptom, the meaning of the event is reframed. For example, a husband’s
emotional dis-tancing could be reframed as “his way of getting his wife to
notice him”.
the Symptom or Behavioral Sequence By using a rationale that is plausible in its logic, a therapist can
encourage family members to engage in the very behavior that needs to be
eliminated. For example, a wife whose husband is emotionally distancing might
be told to continue to pursue her husband because “this lets him know that he
is the center of her life and that there is nothing else about her life that
she finds valuable or interesting”. She might be instructed to con-tinue in her
behavior for his sake, even though it may give her friends a distorted idea
about her. When the reframe “fits”, yet the new meaning feels distasteful, the
rebound against the directive can paradoxically propel therapeutic change.
the System The therapist can attempt to dis-courage or even
deny the possibility of change. For example, a therapist may tell
couple-partners to “go slow” or may em-phasize dangers of improvement. Family
members may then react against the therapist’s conservative outlook by pressing
forward to change.
therapist attempts to shift a problematic
“position” (usually an assertion that the patient is making about self, the
problem, or a partner) by accepting but exaggerating that position. This
intervention is used when the partner’s po-sition is thought to be maintained
by its complementary, recip-rocal response from the other partner. For example,
when one partner takes an optimistic stance and the other a pessimistic one, a
therapist may suggest the pessimistic spouse to worry even more so that the
optimistic spouse can feel more secure and even more happily optimistic. Here,
too, if a new explana-tion has a plausible logic, but frames the behavior in a
manner that renders it aversive, the behavior will change.
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