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Chapter: Business Science : International Business Management : International Strategic Management

Strategic Compulsions - International Strategic Management

International strategic management builds on five phases of planning and analysis that provide a framework for deploying resources and a plan of action.



Frame work for International Strategic Management


International strategic management builds on five phases of planning and analysis that provide a framework for deploying resources and a plan of action.

Recognizing antecedents


External and internal analysis Strategic analysis and choice


Leveraging competitive advantage and process


Implementation and integration


International strategic planning


International strategic planning is a process of evaluating the internal and external environment by multinational organizations, through which they set their long-term and short-term goals and then they implement a specific plan of action in order to achieve those objectives.




It means that the companies face the compulsion to be global if they want to gain the global market and more values. But in the modern context strategic management faces many compulsions. The present and future development of the field of strategic management is likely to be driven by compulsions like contemporary developments in social and economic theory and recent changes in the nature of the business and economic context.


International/global strategic management


Strategic management is the process of systematically analyzing various opportunities and threats vis-à-vis organizational strengths and weaknesses, formulating and arriving at strategic choices through critical evaluation of alternatives and implementing them to meet the set objectives of the organization.


Area of strategic compulsions

            Orientation for globalization

            Emerging E-commerce and Internet culture

            Cut-throat competition


            Active pressure groups

            Motive for corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethics.








According to Levitt, represents local marketing versus global marketing and focus on the central question of whether a standardized (global) or a differentiated (local), country-specific marketing approach.


Perspectives on standardization versus Differentiation:

Regional perspective

Marketing process prospective

Marketing components/marketing mix perspective.


Factors Favoring Standardization and Differentiation




Strategic options/choice involves the selection of a strategy or set of strategies that helps in achieving organizational objectives.


        Global strategy

        International strategy

        Transactional strategy

        Multi-domestic strategy


         Global strategy: It views the world as a single market. Tightly controls global operations from headquarters to preserve focus on standardization.


        International strategy: In this strategy company extends marketing, manufacturing and other activities outside the home country.


          Multi-domestic strategy: the international company discovers that differences in markets around the world demand an adaptation of its marketing mix in order to succeed.


            Transactional strategy: this is company that thinks globally and acts locally. The transactional corporation is much more than a company with sales, investments and operations in many countries.


Factors affecting strategic options:

External constraints

Intra-organizational forces and managerial power-relations

Values and preferences and managerial attitudes risk

Impact of past strategy

Time constraints in choice of strategy.

Information constraints

Competitor’s reaction



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