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Time for a Journey | Term 1 Chapter 3 | 4th English - Story: Bujju's Brave Adventure | 4th English : Term 1 Unit 3 : Time for a Journey

Chapter: 4th English : Term 1 Unit 3 : Time for a Journey

Story: Bujju's Brave Adventure

On a nice winter morning, Bujju's family set out on a trip to the nearby hill.



Bujju's Brave Adventure


On a nice winter morning, Bujju's family set out on a trip to the nearby hill. Bujju's cousins Appu, Bala, Surya and Janani accompanied him. The kids were so excited to explore the place.

Look kids! Be around us. Never go anywhere alone.

Yes ma!

First have your breakfast then, we will go there.

Ma! See the waterfall.

Bujju's mother started unpacking the food. Meanwhile, the kids could not wait for the parents to take them to the waterfall. So they ran away without informing the parents.

Run... Run... Run.

Oh! I feel too hungry. I have only one guava. I shall eat it myself.

Nothing Surya.

Hey Appu! What are you eating?

Appu swallowed and got hiccups. So, Surya and Appu returned to parents.

Where did you go? What about others?

Don't worry pa. They are playing nearby.

Without noticing, the other three kept running towards the waterfall. There Bala and Janani got diverted on seeing a naughty monkey.

Look at that naughty monkey! Let us act like it and have fun!

I feel very hungry. Let's go.

As Bala and Janani felt hungry, they returned to parents. But Bujju sped towards the waterfall. He was shocked to see that no one was there.

Oh! No... I am alone. Surya, Appu, Janani, Bala... Where are you guys?

Is that a ROAR of a lion? Mummy!

Think: How will Bujju reach his parents?

I shouldn't be afraid. Let me find a way. I think these footprints will help me.

On his way he finds big footprints.

I think these should be Appu's footprints.

Bujju, where were you? I was so worried.

Yes ma... I have found you all at last.

Now Bujju realised his mistake that he should not go alone without informing parents.

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