Chapter: Diseases of The Brain and Nervous System(A Health Education Guide): Stress and its Management

Self treatment for Human Stress

In addition to the above mentioned solutions there are other measures that can be used in daily life without the help of others. There is no need to take a leave of 10-15 days, go to a hill station and spend a lot of money.

Self - treatment :

In addition to the above mentioned solutions there are other measures that can be used in daily life without the help of others. There is no need to take a leave of 10-15 days, go to a hill station and spend a lot of money.

1.        Go for a walk or enjoy cycling

2.        Do some gardening, or go for a stroll in the garden

3.        Play a game or two of tennis or table tennis

4.        Write a letter, make a phone call or go for dinner with a friend

5.        Spend some time on a hobby or a craft

6.        Listen to music or learn singing or playing a musical instrument

7.        Pray for at least 10 to 15 minutes twice a day. Prayer is a very big strength that has the power of making the mind completely healthy

8.        Do not think of problems or difficulties but focus on finding solutions

9.        Do some social service, spend time in an orphanage, meet friends and family members and take part in some group activity.

10.   Enjoy a film or a drama

11.   Read a good book or a magazine, meet spiritual people and read religious books. Play with children for 15 to 30 minutes. Such innocent and happy moments are rare. B e like a child and play with them

12.   Visit a museum or an art gallery

13.   Take a massage, a facial, a bubble bath or a steam bath

14.   Keep the phone aside, close the windows and lights, close your eyes and listen to music of your choice. At this time do not answer a phone call. Use an answering machine instead, and

15.   Change your attitude for better. The mantra is to make it positive. Good reading, spiritual listening, and good thinking changes the attitude and if this happens a person can remain normal in any situation. Positive thinking is the surest way to remain happy and make people happy around you.


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Diseases of The Brain and Nervous System(A Health Education Guide): Stress and its Management : Self treatment for Human Stress |

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