expatriate (often shortened to expat) is a person temporarily or permanently
residing in a country other than that of the person's upbringing. The word
comes from the Latin terms ex ("out of") and patria ("country,
fatherland"). In common usage, the term is often used in the context of
professionals or skilled workers sent abroad by their companies, rather than
for all 'immigrants' or 'migrant workers'. The differentiation found in common
usage usually comes down to socio-economic factors, so skilled professionals
working in another country are described as expatriates, whereas a manual
laborer who has moved to another country to earn more money might be labeled an
'immigrant' or 'migrant worker'.
There is
no set definition and usage varies with context, for example the same person
may be seen as an "expatriate" by their home country and a
"migrant worker" where they work. Retirement abroad, in contrast,
usually makes one an "expatriate".
The specific
role of expatriate managers, and their distinct contribution to TNCs, may be
understood in relation to the gap they are considered competent to fill at a
particular location in the division of labor in a given geography. The
participants were asked to define such a role, identifying why it could not be
filled by a local or a third country national.
a wide range of differing reasons and circumstances might necessitate the use
of expatriate managers, an understanding that these managers carry special
skills is explicit in both the literature on the subject and in all the
respondents’ accounts. The following are some typical examples. In a lot of
emerging markets, where we are mostly engaged in joint venture, the partner
company provides country access, markets and we supply technology and
management skills. The big things here are technical expertise and management
partners know how to build and operate a company using 35,000 local workers.
They do not have any indigenous high quality technologists. So what they want
from us is technology. We give them that in return for presence and access to
market. Secondly, they want to know how to form and operate a company to modern
international standards.
My skill
is to run that factory with 4000 people. That is the skill that the locals do
not have. They need a small number of expats, people from the Centre, from the
UK who know how to run things. We are going in there to help them develop those
skills. (General manger of oil TNC, joint venture, China) I think one aspect is
technical skills. Let’s say you need a Vietnamese Financial Director. That will
be an impossible situation. His technical skills would be quite move up to the
job. Based on my experience in Vietnam, one primary purpose of my work is to
move technology from one country, one business to another. Secondly, it knows
how the business works. You get a local in a senior position; it will be tough
for him to understand how the business functions. (Senior strategist of a food
primary reason for expatriation is skill shortages, particularly in markets
where there may be no concept of commercialization. Our longer-term strategy is
to grow through alliances. Expatriates prepare and develop the locals via
ideological spread. (Human resource manager of an airliner) The expat needs two
basic skills: one is technical knowledge and expertise, and the other is
general business know-how.
We do not
use international assignments to train young lads at this level. If the
business is going to be a world class business, it has to be run along our
lines; it has to be a recognizable factory, anywhere in the world.
We will
train local workforces to our standards, and by our methods. So as far as we
are concerned, it is an extension of our way of doing things. Obviously by
putting in an expat, you are importing someone who has up-to-date knowledge of
the 9 business, which you cannot get by hiring somebody locally, although it
will cost very much more. (Head of international manufacturing of a motor
vehicle and parts TNC)
seems clear from these accounts is that expatriate managers need specific
skills that incorporate product and market-related competence as well as a
sound understanding of corporate culture and the corporations’ ways of doing
business in a global market. The two aspects need separate consideration in
order to gain a more detailed understanding of reasons for the importance of
expatriates to globalization strategies as well as their potential substitution
by factors such as technology and/or host country nationals.
expertise defined the part of the paper reflects an attempt to establish more
clearly how TNCs define global management skill and expertise. The managers
were asked to specify key components of managerial know-how, the expertise that
could be distinguished from technical skills.
The participants offer the following explanations:
skills are exactly about corporate values and culture. They are about knowing
how the business works. We have just acquired a statement about corporate
purpose. So before this expats’ role was absolutely vital in communicating the
unspoken (senior strategist of a food TNC)
have to do with our core values, which are the rules wherever you are.
senior company people are put in charge, they become its face. We are a global
company, and it is these values that matter a great deal to us.
When we
are criticized in a locality, we need sharp people who know these rules and can
put things right. If we accept to work with local rules, there are places where
we will never do any business. You have to have the skill to adapt these rules
to your values and, if need be, to Changed, to shape the agenda. (General
Manager of an oil company- joint venture, China)
We would
normally use our experienced managers, who have the necessary experience. We
are happy to flavor our production locally, but our senior expats must be able
to apply our core alues to day to day decision making. A successful expat is
one that combines technical expertise with our core values. (Head of
international manufacturing of a motor vehicle TNC) We are a global company,
with a set of values, which ensure that we are ultimately the best in the
market. These are very important to all our people. They are things like
honesty, responsibility and openness.
There are
certain geographies which we do not trust, there we prefer neutral Britons to
locals. In these examples, the managers describe the specific expertise
required in an expatriate as being the ability to utilize their corporations’
core values and philosophies in managing global operations and in shaping the
local agenda. The corporate values are seen as a guideline that ensures
cohesion between the core and the other geography. The expatriate manager is
trusted to be “honest” and “responsible”, attributes which the airliner HR
manager believes might be rare in certain geographies. The issue of creating
consistency in organizational belief systems, particularly in acquisitions,
comes up regularly in the managers’ accounts.
expatriate manager is trusted to ensure that the core values of the parent TNC
are12 understood and upheld by the workforces of the firms that it has taken
over, as illustrated below. Take my own case as an example. My main marching
order was to make sure that I incarnated our values and philosophies, and
brought alive these in an organization growing in acquisition. It is a bit like
making a melting pot happen.
We as
senior expatriates are charged with the task of taking wide-ranging values and
make them consistent. As an expat, you walk in and you are first and foremost
an established and protector of the company’s values Preliminary Suggestions
What these examples illustrate is that notions of skill are commonly defined by
criteria that go beyond technical expertise as might be gained via the
acquisition of formal qualifications or other training in engineering, or
chemistry, for example. This appears to be the case in both manufacturing and
responses demonstrate that senior expatriates are carriers of more than
technical knowledge. They are trusted with the task of managing the
restructuring of the global economy. What is also clearly expressed is a trust
in their ability to represent, shape and establish the core values and
philosophies of a TNC. They 13 are used by TNCs to spread to other geographies,
values – documented or informally understood within the organization.
Expatriate Contributions:
research has been conducted among US MNEs and it has revealed “alarmingly high
failure rates” (Brewster, 1988). Some expatriate failure rates reported, for
example, are shown in Table I (Shen and Edwards, 2004). The complex and
ever-changing global environment requires flexibility. The organization’s
ability to devise strategic responses, however, may be constrained by a lack of
suitably trained, internationally oriented personnel. Tung (1981, 1982) and
Mendenhall et al. (1987, 1995) identified a negative correlation between the
rigor of a company’s selection and training processes and its expatriate
failure rate.
The use
of more rigorous training programs could significantly improve the expatriate’s
performance in an overseas environment, thus minimizing the incidence of
failure. Earley (1987) has argued that cultural training enables individuals to
adjust more rapidly to the new culture and be more effective in their new
There is
an association between met expatriate’ expectation and provision of
international training. “Highly relevant cross-cultural training created either
accurate expectations or expectations of difficulty prior to the assignment”
(Caligiuri et al., 2001). Table II indicates some reasons for expatriate
failure in US and Japanese MNEs (Tung, 1982; Dowling et al., 1999).
As Table
II shows, expatriate failure is seldom a consequence of a lack of technical
skills. The inability of both expatriates and their spouses to adapt is a far
more important cause of expatriate failure. Studies have also found that
between 16 percent and 40 percent of US managers sent on overseas assignments
Order US Japanese
1 The
ability of spouse to adjust Inability to cope with larger overseas
responsibility 2 Manager’s inability to adjust Difficulties with new
3 Other
family problems Personal or emotional problems
Manager’s personal or emotional maturity Lack of technical competence 5
Inability to cope
larger overseas responsibility the ability of spouse to adjust Table II.
Reasons for expatriate failure (in descending order of importance) Expatriate
failure rates (%) Origin of MNEs 30-85 US 70 Developing countries 5-15 European
10-30 US 40.2 Swedish 25- 40 US 5-10 European Table I. Expatriate failure rates
JMD 24, 7 658return prematurely because of poor performance or an inability to
adjust to the foreign environment.
to Brewster (1988), the inability of one’s spouse to adjust was the only
consistent reason given by respondents from European MNEs. Hamill (1989) found
that one of the reasons for the low failure rate of UK MNEs was the greater
emphasis placed on pre-departure briefing for both expatriates and their
families. International management development deals with identifying,
fostering, promoting and using international managers. Its major issues include
international management development schemes, approaches to international
management development, promotion criteria and factors affecting approaches to
international management development.
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