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Chapter: Sociology of Health : Health services

Role of government in enabling intersectoral coordination towards public health issues

The Ministry of Health needs to form stronger partnerships with other agents involved in public health, because many factors influencing the health outcomes are outside their direct jurisdiction.

Role of government in enabling intersectoral coordination towards public health issues:


The Ministry of Health needs to form stronger partnerships with other agents involved in public health, because many factors influencing the health outcomes are outside their direct jurisdiction. Making public health a shared value across the various sectors is a politically challenging strategy, but such collective action is crucial. 



·              Social determinants of health


Kerala is often quoted as an example in international forums for achieving a good status of public health by addressing the fundamental determinants of health: Investments in basic education, public health and primary care.


Living conditions


Safe drinking water and sanitation are critical determinants of health, which would directly contribute to 7080% reduction in the burden of communicable diseases. Full coverage of drinking water supply and sanitation through existing programs, in both rural and urban areas, is achievable and affordable.



Urban planning


Provision of urban basic services like water supply, sewerage and solid waste management needs special attention. The Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission in 35 cities works to develop financially sustainable cities in line with the Millenium Development Goals, which needs to be expanded to cover the entire country.Other issues to be addressed are housing and urban poverty alleviation.


Revival of rural infrastructure and livelihood


Action is required in the following areas: Promotion of agricultural mechanization, improving efficiency of investments, rationalizing subsidies and diversifying and providing better access to land, credit and skills.




Elementary education has received a major push through the SarvaSikshaAbhayan. In order to consolidate the gains achieved, a mission for secondary education is essential. “Right of children to Free and Compulsory education Bill 2009” seeks to provide education to children aged between 6 and 14 years, and is a right step forward in improving the literacy of the Indian population.


Nutrition and early child development


Recent innovations like universalization of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) and setting up of miniAnganwadi centers in deprived areas are examples of inclusive growth under the eleventh 5 year plan. The government needs to strengthen ICDS in poorperforming states based on experiences from other successful models, e.g., Tamil Nadu (upgrading kitchens with LPG connection, stove and pressure cooker and electrification; use of ironfortified salt to address the burden of anemia). Micronutrient deficiency control measures like dietary diversification, horticultural intervention, food fortification, nutritional supplementation and other public health measures need intersectoral coordination with various departments, e.g., Women and Child Development, Health, Agriculture, Rural and Urban development.


Social security measures


The social and economic spinoff of the Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MREGS) has the potential to change the complexion of rural India. It differs from other poverty alleviation projects in the concept of citizenship and entitlement.[9] However, employment opportunities and wages have taken the center stage, while development of infrastructure and community assets is neglected. This scheme has the necessary manpower to implement intersectoral projects, e.g., laying roads, water pipelines, social forestry, horticulture, antierosion projects and rain water harvesting. The unlimited potential of social capital has to be effectively tapped by the government.



Food security measures


Innovations are required to strengthen the public distribution system to curb the inclusion and exclusion errors and increase the range of commodities for people living in very poor conditions. It is essential that the government puts forth action plans to increase domestic food grain production, raise consumer incomes to buy food and make agriculture remunerative.


Other social assistance programs


The RashtriyaSwasthiyaBimaYojana and AamAdmiBhimaYojana are social security measures for the unorganized sector (91% of India's workforce). The National Old Age Pension scheme has provided social and income security to the growing elderly population in India.


·              Population stabilization


There is all round realization that population stabilization is a must for ensuring quality of life for all citizens. Formulation of a National Policy and setting up of a National Commission on Population and JanasankhyaSthirathaKosh reflect the deep commitment of the government. However, parallel developments in women empowerment, increasing institutional deliveries and strengthening health services and infrastructure hold the key to population control in the future.


·              Gender mainstreaming and empowerment


Womenspecific interventions in all policies, programs and systems need to be launched. The government should take steps to sensitize service providers in various departments to issues of women. The Department of Women and Child Development must take necessary steps to implement the provisions of “Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005.” Training for protection officers, establishment of counseling centers for women affected by violence and creating awareness in the community are vital steps. Poverty eradication programs and microcredit schemes need to be strengthened for economic and social empowerment of women.


·              Reducing the impact of climate change and disasters on health


Thermal extremes and weather disasters, spread of vectorborne, foodborne and waterborne infections, food security and malnutrition and air quality with associated human health risks are the public health risks associated with climate change. Depletion of nonrenewable sources of energy and water, deterioration of soil and water quality and the potential extinction of innumerable habitats and species are other effects. India's “National Action Plan on Climate Change” identifies eight core “national missions” through various ministries, focused on understanding climate change, energy efficiency, renewable energy and natural resource conservation. Although there are several issues concerning India's position under UNFCCC, it has agreed not to allow its per capita Greenhouse gas emissions to exceed the average per capita emissions of the developed countries, even as it pursues its social and economic development objectives.


The Ministry of Health, in coordination with other ministries, provides technical assistance in implementing disaster management and emergency preparedness measures. Deficient areas include carrying out rapid needs assessment, disseminating health information, food safety and environmental health after disasters and ensuring transparency and efficiency in the administration of aid after disasters. Implementation of Disaster Management Act, 2005 is essential for establishing institutional mechanisms for disaster management, ensuring an intersectoral approach to mitigation and undertaking holistic, coordinated and prompt response to disaster situations.


·              Community participation

Community participation builds public support for policies and programs, generates compliance with regulations and helps alter personal health behaviors. One of the major strategic interventions under NRHM is the system of ensuring accountability and transparency through people's participation – the RogiKalyanSamitis. The Ministry of Health needs to define a clear policy on social participation and operational methods in facilitating community health projects. Potential areas of community participation could be in lifestyle modification in chronic diseases through physical activity and diet modification, and primary prevention of alcohol dependence through active communitybased methods like awareness creation and behavioral interventions.


·              Private sectors, civil societies and global partnerships


Effective addressing of public health challenges necessitates new forms of cooperation with private sectors (publicprivate partnership), civil societies, national health leaders, health workers, communities, other relevant sectors and international health agencies (WHO, UNICEF, Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, World Bank).


·              Governance issues


In order to ensure that the benefits of social security measures reach the intended sections of society, enumeration of Below Poverty Line families and other eligible sections is vital. Check mechanisms to stop pilferage of government funds and vigilance measures to stop corruption are governance issues that need to be attended. The government should take strict action in cases of diversion of funds and goods from social security schemes through law enforcement, community awareness and speedy redressal mechanisms. Social audits in MREGS through the Directorate of Social Audit in Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan are early steps in bringing governance issues to the fore. This process needs strengthening through separate budgets, provisions for hosting audit results and powers for taking corrective action. Similar social auditing schemes can be emulated in other states and government programs like ICDS, which will improve accountability and community participation, leading to effective service delivery.


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