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Chapter: Health Management in Aquaculture: Environmental and other non-infectious diseases

Red Disease - Shrimp Diseases

Red disease in shrimps is associated with high application of lime (2-6 tons/ha) in the pond that gives it a high initial pH; prolonged exposure to low salinity.

Red Disease

Red disease in shrimps is associated with high application of lime (2-6 tons/ha) in the pond that gives it a high initial pH; prolonged exposure to low salinity .


Affected shrimps have red short streaks on gills or abdominal segments, yel-lowish to reddish discoloration of the body (Fig. 6-9) and increased fluid in the cephalothorax, emitting foul odor.


Yellow to red discoloration in affected shrimps; histopathology of the hepato-pancreas shows hemocytic infiltration in the spaces between the tubules; more advanced lesions are in the form of fibriotic and melanized encapsulation of necrotic tissues, either in the tubule itself or the sinuses around it.


               Prepare pond bottom properly


               Reduce lime and organic matter content inputs

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