Let us understand
1. Tick (✓) the correct
2. Match the
3. Listen, think
and write.
a. What is the name of the dancer? charu
b. What does a farmer grow? A Farmer grow food
for us.
c. What does your father/mother do? Farmer
d. What would you like to become? Teacher
Let us know
Valli and Chittu talk about the
previous night.
Where were you last night, Valli?
I was in a party.
Mom and dad?
They were also with me.
What about Kavin and Geetha?
Hey! He was with me. She was at home.
Was that fun?
Yes! It was real fun, Chittu. We were happy.
Note to the teacher: Focus on pronouns and was / were verbs in the above dialogues. Use the table given
above for more practice.
Let us practice
1. Draw lines to match.
2. Fill in the blanks with was / were.
a. I was happy.
b. We were sad.
c. You were tired.
d. He was thin.
e. It was cold.
f. These were my pens.
g. That was my toy.
h. She was lazy.
i. They were sick.
j. Those were my pets.
Spell check
Fill in the missing letters.
Let us do
Word wall
seem best name ran read over such way too until
* Display the words on the word wall and practise them.
* Invite a child to the front.
* Whisper a word to that child.
* Let the child say the word aloud to the class.
* Make others repeat it.
* Practise with all the words.
Read aloud and
circle the words you see in the word wall.
1. They seem
2. He is my
3. His name
is Kapil.
4. The boy
5. I read
a book.
6. The kite
is over
the roof.
7. This way
is too long.
8. Wait until
I come.
Find and circle
the words.
Circle time - Let us talk
A) Let children
stand in a circle. Display pictures of professionals like carpenter, farmer etc.,
Point fingers to yourself and say, “I am _____ (name). My father is a _____ (profession).”
B) Ask a child,
“ Who are you? What does your father do?” Encourage the child to say, “I am My father
is a _____.” Practise the same with children in a chain drill. Help children to
name the profession of their family members.
Let us practice
I am Kala.
My father
is a farmer.
Who are you?
What does
your father do?
I am Balu.
My father is a tailor.
Fill in the blanks
with My / Your.
I am Raju.
father is a police man.
I am Kavin.
uncle is a singer.
Uma. Our
mother is a nurse.
I am Sam.
brother is a football player.
Babu. Our
grandma is a teacher.
Let us say
Listen to the
sound and repeat.
Read aloud.
Read and match.
Try to read these!
s + p = sp- spell
s + t = st- stem
s + w = sw- swim
l + p = -lp help
l + t = -lt salt
Note to the teacher: First, teach the sound /ↄI/ to children. Then, introduce the two different letter clusters for the same sound.
Help children relate the sound to the letter clusters.
Let us do
Word wall
joy soy cloy coy boy toy
boil spoil foil join boil toil
* Display the words in the word wall.
* Draw a circle. Make children stand on it.
* Say the words on the word wall.
* As they listen to the words with the same sound (oy/oi), they will
move in clockwise direction.
* Say a word with some other sound (a, i, u).
* They will move in anti-clock wise direction.
Practise with all the words.
1. Read aloud.
The boy has a toy.
Give me a coin.
The soil is soft.
Boil the oil now.
2. Circle the odd one.
a. toy joy ploy pot
b. boil soil pain coil
c. soy pan boy coy
d. point joint spoil
Tick (✓) the correct
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