Let us
1. Circle the correct word.
2. Choose and write the correct word.
1. Gopi pulled the green (green / red) box.
2. Gopi and Mom go to the market. (market / park)
3. Gopi wants an apple. (orange / apple)
4. Mom wants a black (brown / black) puppy.
3. Listen, think and say.
a. Who was reading a book?
Mom was reading a book.
b. Why was everyone looking at
Gobi was crying loudly.
c. What did Gopi say to the
“I want that one!” he
d. Why was Gopi angry?
Mom refused to get the box down.
e. How would you feel if you
were Gopi?
Let us know
Valli talks about her pet and
Note to the teacher: Explain to children that we use “am“ after “I” and “are” after
“You” and “We” in present tense.
Let us
2. Fill in the blanks.
I am a boy.
You are a girl.
We are sisters.
You are girls.
Spell check
Fill in the missing letters.
book blue puppy
Let us do
Word wall
made could book look ball back think night people school run
* Divide the class into 4
groups and ask each group to form a line.
* Display
four sets of words on the board.
* Ask the
first child from each group to read the first word and move to the back of the
* If the
child can read correctly, erase the word.
* The
group to finish reading first is the winner.
* Practise
till children can read all the words.
Read aloud
and circle the words you see in the word wall.
1. Look into my bag.
2. Let us go back.
3. I brush my teeth
at night.
4. Run to school.
5. He made a pot.
Read and trace the words.
I made a cake. | The book is on the cot. | I like my new ball. | My school is very near. | I sleep at night. | Could you help me?
Circle time – Let us talk
A. Display pictures of emotions in flashcards. (e.g. happy, sad,
angry, tired, sleepy, shocked, surprised,
scared). Hold each card and say “I feel ____ .”
B. Now, distribute the flashcards to children. Ask a child, “How
do you feel?”. Encourage children to say, “I feel. ____” Make children ask and answer in groups.
Let us practice
Now say how you feel.
Let us say
Listen to the sound and repeat.
Listen and repeat.
Listen to the teacher and
circle the words with long ‘e’ sound.
Don‛t keep your feet on the seat.
The green leaf is on the tree.
We see the sea from the beach.
The green jeep is clean and neat.
The green leech is in deep sleep.
Clean the cream on your cheek.
Note to the teacher: First teach the sound /i:/ to the children. Then, introduce the two letter clusters for
the sound. Help children relate the sound to the letter clusters.
Let us do
Word wall
* Display the words on the word wall.
* Divide the class into two groups A and B.
* Make them sit in a circle.
* Assign the letter cluster ‘ee‛ to group A.
* Assign the letter cluster ‘ea‛ to group B.
* Read out a word from word wall.
* The group with assigned letter cluster will stand up and the
other group will remain seated.
* Practise with all the words.
Let us practice
Match the words with the pictures.
Circle the odd one.
1. keen beep make seed
2. beak clay bean feat
3. main weep clean team
4. seat bead made leech
Try to read these!
p + l = pl-
s + l = sl-
p + r = pr-
s + p = -sp
s + k = -sk
Tick (✓) the correct shape for the picture.
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