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Man Overboard - Supplementary by Vasantha Murthi - Term 3 Unit 2 - 7th English - Project, Connecting to Self, Step to Success | 7th English : Term 3 Unit 2 : Supplementary : Man Overboard

Chapter: 7th English : Term 3 Unit 2 : Supplementary : Man Overboard

Project, Connecting to Self, Step to Success

7th English : Term 3 Unit 2 : Supplementary : Man Overboard : Book Back Questions Answers, Solution : Project, Connecting to Self, Step to Success



D. Read the incidents. Work in small groups to role play the situations in which they showed their presence of mind. Each group should perform the skit for the rest of the class. Share similar situations in the class.


MUMBAI: A brave 10-year-old girl applied her school lessons and saved 16 lives even as the fire at Crystal Towers in the Parel area of Central Mumbai killed four and injured another 16 people on Wednesday.

Zen Sadavarte, who is a class 3 student, was sleeping when her mother spotted the smoke at around 8 am. Zen was trapped on the 12th floor of the 16 storied-building where the fire had started. However, without getting deterred Zen showed presence of mind and applied the safety tips taught to her in school to save the lives of her family members and neighbours.

Upon spotting fire, as everybody rushed out for safety, an asthmatic girl was feeling breathless. Upon hearing her mother cry, Zen quickly took pieces of cloth from her house, wet them and urged her family and neighbours to cover their noses with them and breathe through it.

Source: Indian Express, dt. August 23, 2018

PUDHUCHERY: When at first C. Vijaykumar saw his son, V.N.C. Revin, running towards the security guard at the Jipmer auditorium, he did not know what had happened.

The two were walking in the institute’s campus last November when the incident occurred. On catching up, Mr. Vijaykumar understood that his son had spotted an electrical equipment sparking due to short circuit, and had gone up to the guard to inform him. Young Revin took his father’s phone and immediately dialled 101 to alert the fire brigade.

With his presence of mind, the boy was able to avert a major fire accident, and for this, he was awarded a bravery award by Chief Minister N. Rangasamy at the Independence Day celebrations last week.

Source: The Hindu, dt. August 23, 2015




E. Look at the picture. Browse the internet with the help of your teacher to get information about the little brave hearts of India.

Search for similar brave hearts in your locality.

Scan the QR. Download the nomination form for National Bravery Award.

Read the instructions and fill the nomination for NBA.





F. In each question below, there is a sentence in which some parts have been jumbled up. Rearrange these parts which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence.


1. When he

P: did not know

Q: he was nervous and

R: heard the hue and cry at midnight

S: what to do


 [Answer: (a) RQPS]

After looking at the given parts P,Q,R and S

it can be concluded that the correct order will be:

When he → heard the hue and cry at midnight → he was nervous and → did not know → what to do.

so correct order is RQPS.

option A

2.  They felt safer

P: to watch the mountain

Q: of more than five miles

R: as they settled down

S: from a distance

a. RPSQ   b.RSQP  c.  PQSR  d.  PRSQ

[Answer: (d) PRSQ]


3. If you need help

P: promptly and politely

Q: ask for attendants

R: to help our customers

S: who have instructions

a. SQPR b. QPSR c. QSRP  d. SQRP

[Answer: (c) QSRP]


4. He knew that

P: and then to save himself

Q: was to save all the lives

R: entrusted to his care

S: the duty of a captain

a. PQRS  b. SQRP  c. SPRQ   d.  QSRP

[Answer: (b) SQRP]


5. With her body

P: dragging her unwilling feet

Q: weak and infirm

R: doubled with age

S: she persisted in her mission

a. PQRS b.  QPRS c.  RQPS d.  SRPQ

[Answer: (a) PQRS]




Grammar – Reported Speech – II

♦ To learn about the Reported speech in Past tense with examples.

♦ To check their knowledge in Simple past tense conversion into reported speech.


1. Type the URL link given below in the browser or scan the QR code.

2. Click Reported speech rules and examples and revise the rules of speech in converting a sentence in simple past tense.

3. You can see the interactive exercises in the conversion of simple past tense reported speech.

4. Complete all the questions to check your knowledge as well as to strengthen your learning in Reported speech.

Website URL

Click the following link or scan the QR code to access the website.

https://first-english.org/english_learning/reported_ speech/50_reported_speech_simple_past_past_perfect.htm

** Images are indicatives only.


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7th English : Term 3 Unit 2 : Supplementary : Man Overboard : Project, Connecting to Self, Step to Success | Man Overboard - Supplementary by Vasantha Murthi - Term 3 Unit 2 - 7th English

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