Programs using Tuples
Program 1: Write a program to swap two values using
tuple assignment
a = int(input("Enter value
of A: "))
b = int(input("Enter value
of B: "))
print("Value of A = ",
a, "\n Value of B = ", b)
(a, b) = (b, a)
print("Value of A = ",
a, "\n Value of B = ", b)
Enter value of A: 54
Enter value of B: 38
Value of A = 54
Value of B = 38
Value of A = 38
Value of B = 54
Program 2: Write a program using a function that
returns the area and circumference of a circle whose radius is passed as an
argument.two values using tuple assignment
pi = 3.14
def Circle(r):
return (pi*r*r, 2*pi*r)
radius = float(input("Enter
the Radius: "))
(area, circum) = Circle(radius)
print ("Area of the circle =
", area)
print ("Circumference of the
circle = ", circum)
Enter the Radius: 5
Area of the circle = 78.5
Circumference of the circle =
Program 3: Write a program that has a list of
positive and negative numbers. Create a new tuple that has only positive
numbers from the list
Numbers = (5, -8, 6, 8, -4, 3, 1)
Positive = ( )
for i in Numbers:
if i > 0:
Positive += (i, )
print("Positive Numbers:
", Positive)
Positive Numbers: (5, 6, 8, 3, 1)
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