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Chapter: Fundamentals of Database Systems : Query Processing and Optimization, and Database Tuning : Physical Database Design and Tuning

Physical Database Design Decisions

Most relational systems represent each base relation as a physical database file.

Physical Database Design Decisions


Most relational systems represent each base relation as a physical database file. The access path options include specifying the type of primary file organization for each relation and the attributes of which indexes that should be defined. At most, one of the indexes on each file may be a primary or a clustering index. Any number of additional secondary indexes can be created.

Design Decisions about Indexing. The attributes whose values are required in equality or range conditions (selection operation) are those that are keys or that participate in join conditions (join operation) requiring access paths, such as indexes.


The performance of queries largely depends upon what indexes or hashing schemes exist to expedite the processing of selections and joins. On the other hand, during insert, delete, or update operations, the existence of indexes adds to the overhead. This overhead must be justified in terms of the gain in efficiency by expediting queries and transactions.


The physical design decisions for indexing fall into the following categories:


        Whether to index an attribute. The general rules for creating an index on an attribute are that the attribute must either be a key (unique), or there must be some query that uses that attribute either in a selection condition (equal-ity or range of values) or in a join condition. One reason for creating multi-ple indexes is that some operations can be processed by just scanning the indexes, without having to access the actual data file (see Section 19.5).


        What attribute or attributes to index on. An index can be constructed on a single attribute, or on more than one attribute if it is a composite index. If multiple attributes from one relation are involved together in several queries, (for example, (Garment_style_#, Color) in a garment inventory database), a multiattribute (composite) index is warranted. The ordering of attributes within a multiattribute index must correspond to the queries. For instance, the above index assumes that queries would be based on an ordering of col-ors within a Garment_style_# rather than vice versa.


        Whether to set up a clustered index. At most, one index per table can be a primary or clustering index, because this implies that the file be physically


ordered on that attribute. In most RDBMSs, this is specified by the keyword CLUSTER. (If the attribute is a key, a primary index is created, whereas a clustering index is created if the attribute is not a key—see Section 18.1.) If a table requires several indexes, the decision about which one should be the primary or clustering index depends upon whether keeping the table ordered on that attribute is needed. Range queries benefit a great deal from clustering. If several attributes require range queries, relative benefits must be evaluated before deciding which attribute to cluster on. If a query is to be answered by doing an index search only (without retrieving data records), the corresponding index should not be clustered, since the main benefit of clustering is achieved when retrieving the records themselves. A clustering index may be set up as a multiattribute index if range retrieval by that composite key is useful in report creation (for example, an index on Zip_codeStore_id, and Product_id may be a clustering index for sales data).


Whether to use a hash index over a tree index. In general, RDBMSs use B+-trees for indexing. However, ISAM and hash indexes are also provided in some systems (see Chapter 18). B+-trees support both equality and range queries on the attribute used as the search key. Hash indexes work well with equality conditions, particularly during joins to find a matching record(s), but they do not support range queries.


        Whether to use dynamic hashing for the file. For files that are very volatile—that is, those that grow and shrink continuously—one of the dynamic hashing schemes discussed in Section 17.9 would be suitable. Currently, they are not offered by many commercial RDBMSs.


How to Create an Index. Many RDBMSs have a similar type of command for creating an index, although it is not part of the SQL standard. The general form of this command is:


CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX <index name>


ON <table name> ( <column name> [ <order> ] { , <column name> [ <order> ] } ) CLUSTER ] ;


The keywords UNIQUE and CLUSTER are optional. The keyword CLUSTER is used when the index to be created should also sort the data file records on the indexing attribute. Thus, specifying CLUSTER on a key (unique) attribute would create some variation of a primary index, whereas specifying CLUSTER on a nonkey (nonunique) attribute would create some variation of a clustering index. The value for <order> can be either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending), and specifies whether the data file should be ordered in ascending or descending values of the indexing attribute. The default is ASC. For example, the following would create a clustering (ascending) index on the nonkey attribute Dno of the EMPLOYEE file:







Denormalization as a Design Decision for Speeding Up Queries. The ulti-mate goal during normalization (see Chapters 15 and 16) is to separate attributes into tables to minimize redundancy, and thereby avoid the update anomalies that lead to an extra processing overhead to maintain consistency in the database. The ideals that are typically followed are the third or Boyce-Codd normal forms (see Chapter 15).


The above ideals are sometimes sacrificed in favor of faster execution of frequently occurring queries and transactions. This process of storing the logical database design (which may be in BCNF or 4NF) in a weaker normal form, say 2NF or 1NF, is called denormalization. Typically, the designer includes certain attributes from a table S into another table R. The reason is that the attributes from S that are included in R are frequently needed—along with other attributes in R—for answer-ing queries or producing reports. By including these attributes, a join of R with S is avoided for these frequently occurring queries and reports. This reintroduces redundancy in the base tables by including the same attributes in both tables R and S. A partial functional dependency or a transitive dependency now exists in the table R, thereby creating the associated redundancy problems (see Chapter 15). A tradeoff exists between the additional updating needed for maintaining consistency of redundant attributes versus the effort needed to perform a join to incorporate the additional attributes needed in the result. For example, consider the following rela-tion:


ASSIGN (Emp_id, Proj_id, Emp_name, Emp_job_title, Percent_assigned, Proj_name,

Proj_mgr_id, Proj_mgr_name),


which corresponds exactly to the headers in a report called The Employee Assignment Roster.


This relation is only in 1NF because of the following functional dependencies:


Proj_id → Proj_name, Proj_mgr_id

Proj_mgr_id → Proj_mgr_name


Emp_id → Emp_name, Emp_job_title


This relation may be preferred over the design in 2NF (and 3NF) consisting of the following three relations:

EMP (Emp_id, Emp_name, Emp_job_title)

PROJ (Proj_id, Proj_name, Proj_mgr_id)

EMP_PROJ (Emp_id, Proj_id, Percent_assigned)

This is because to produce the The Employee Assignment Roster report (with all fields shown in ASSIGN above), the latter multirelation design requires two NATURAL JOIN (indicated with *) operations (between EMP and EMP_PROJ, and between PROJ and EMP_PROJ), plus a final JOIN between PROJ and EMP to retrieve the Proj_mgr_name from the Proj_mgr_id. Thus the following JOINs would be needed (the final join would also require renaming (aliasing) of the last EMP table, which is not shown):


It is also possible to create a view for the ASSIGN table. This does not mean that the join operations will be avoided, but that the user need not specify the joins. If the view table is materialized, the joins would be avoided, but if the virtual view table is not stored as a materialized file, the join computations would still be necessary. Other forms of denormalization consist of storing extra tables to maintain original functional dependencies that are lost during BCNF decomposition. For example, Figure 15.14 shows the TEACH(StudentCourseInstructor) relation with the func-tional dependencies {{StudentCourse InstructorInstructor  Course}. A lossless decomposition of TEACH into T1(StudentInstructor) and T2(InstructorCourse) does not allow queries of the form what course did student Smith take from instructor Navathe to be answered without joining T1 and T2. Therefore, storing T1, T2, and TEACH may be a possible solution, which reduces the design from BCNF to 3NF. Here, TEACH is a materialized join of the other two tables, representing an extreme redundancy. Any updates to T1 and T2 would have to be applied to TEACH. An alter-nate strategy is to create T1 and T2 as updatable base tables, and to create TEACH as a view (virtual table) on T1 and T2 that can only be queried.

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