Physic Nut
Purging nut.
This is a large, glabrous shrub
belonging to family Euphorbiaceae, with greenish white, smooth bark that peels
off in thin flakes.
Leaves measure up to 15 mm in
diameter, and are entirely or palmately lobed.
Flowers are yellowish green in
The black seed of Jatropha curcas is known as “physic nut”
or “purging nut”, since it is a strong purgative. It contains a pale acrid oil,
just like croton oil, and has the active principle curcanoleic acid. Apart from being used as a laxative, the oil is
also applied to painful joints, and is said to have beneficial effects.
However, the crude oil when applied externally causes irritation, and when
ingested causes severe diarrhoea. The seeds possess a toxalbumin named curcin.
Ingestion of the seeds results in
salivation, sweating, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, weakness, and muscle
twitching. Jatropha poisoning is generally non-fatal, even though some deaths
in lower animals have been reported.
Supportive and symptomatic measures.
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