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Chapter: 11th Textiles and Dress Designing : Chapter 7 : Basic Stitches

Permanent Stitches

Some of the permanent stitches are listed as follows : 1. Running. 2. Back. 3. Hem. 4. Whipping.


These stitches are made permanently on the fabric. They need not be removed. Some of the permanent stitches are listed as follows :

1.        Running.

2.        Back.

3.        Hem.

4.        Whipping.


Running Stitch


·           It is similar to even tacking but the stitches are much smaller.

·           Stitches are fine and evenly spaced with matching colour thread.

·           Darning, gathering and edge fin-ishing can be done with this stitch (Figure 7.2).


·           Work the stitches from right to left.

·           Take the needle up and down mak-ing small straight stitches.


Back Stitch


·           It is a strong stitch.

·           It is substituted for machine stitch.

·           Stitches are 0.25 cm long on the right side.

·           Stitches are done with matching colour thread.


·           Work the stitches from right to left.

·           Bring needle up at 1 and insert at 2.

·           Again bring needle up at 3 leaving one stitch space from 2 (Figure 7.3).


Hem Stitch


·           These stitches are very fine and evenly spaced.

·           Stitches are not visible on the right side of the garment or fabric.

·           Edges of sleeves, skirt hemline, neck-line and hand kerchiefs are finished with hem stitch.


·           Work the stitches from right to left.

·           Bring needle up at 1 on the wrong side.

·           Take needle slantingly upto 2 and insert. Make a tiny stitch on the right side.

·           Bring needle again at a point below 2.

·           Continue to work 7 – 10 stitches in two to three cm (Figure 7.4).


Whipping Stitch


·           The stitch is used to finish the raw edges of fabrics.

·           Edge of sleeves and kid’s collars are finished with whipping stitches.

·           It is also called as rolled hem or over casting.

·           Stitches are made over the rolled edge of a fabric.


·           Work the stitches from right to left and then from left to right.

·           Bring needle up at 1 and take diago-nally over the rolled edge.

·           Insert and bring needle up at 2, take over the rolled edge. Insert and take needle up at 3.

·           Continue the work till the end.

·           Come back by making diagonal stitch.

·           Insert needle at same point and make whipping stitches.

·           Stop at point 1 and complete (Figure 7.4).


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