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Chapter: Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing : Treatment Settings and Therapeutic Programs

Partial Hospitalization Programs

Partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) are designed to help clients make a gradual transition from being inpa-tients to living independently and to prevent repeat admis-sions.

Partial Hospitalization Programs


Partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) are designed to help clients make a gradual transition from being inpa-tients to living independently and to prevent repeat admis-sions. In day treatment programs, clients return home at night; evening programs are just the reverse. The services that different PHPs offer vary, but most programs include groups for building communication and social skills, solv-ing problems, monitoring medications, and learning cop-ing strategies and skills for daily living. Individual sessions are available in some PHPs, as are vocational assistance and occupational and recreation therapies.


Each client has an individualized treatment plan and goals, which the client develops with the case manager and other members of the treatment team.


Clients in PHPs may complete the program after an inpatient hospital stay, which is usually too short to address anything other than stabilization of symptoms and medi-cation effectiveness. Other clients may come to a PHP to treat problems before they really start, thus avoiding a costly and unwanted hospital stay. Others may make the transition from a PHP to longer-term outpatient therapy. Randall and Finkelstein (2007) found that using cognitive–behavioral therapy in a day treatment setting was beneficial for clients with severe and persistent mental illness to achieve program goals of relapse prevention, improved community functioning, and increased social adjustment. Participants also experienced increased self-esteem, feelings of hope, and a sense of empowerment.

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