PTH is secreted from the
parathyroid glands in response to a low plasma concentration of ionized (free)
calcium. PTH immediately causes the transfer of labile calcium stores from bone
into the bloodstream. PTH increases rates of dietary calcium absorption by the
intestine indi-rectly via the vitamin D3 system activation of
enterocyte activity. Within the kidney, PTH directly stimulates cal-cium
reabsorption and a phosphate diuresis.
PTH is a single-chain
polypeptide composed of 84 amino acid residues that is devoid of disulfide
bonds and has a molecular weight of 9500. Biological activity of the human
hormone resides primarily in the amino terminal end of the protein (i.e., amino
acids 1–34). This portion of PTH has full biological activity both in vivo and
in vitro. Synthetic fragments of the 1-34 portion of the PTH molecule have been
synthesized. A paraneo-plastic hormone, PTH
related peptide (PTHrP) has been
identified, isolated, and synthesized. PTHrP is structurally homologous to the
amino terminal portion of PTH and interacts with the PTH receptor in bone and
kidney. This hormone is responsible for hypercal-cemia in certain forms of
malignancy. It has been used as a therapeutic agent in osteoporosis in some
clinical trials.
Plasma calcium concentration is the principal factor reg-ulating
PTH synthesis and release. The increase in PTH synthesis
and secretion induced by hypocalcemia is be-lieved to be mediated through
activation of parathyroid gland adenylyl cyclase and a subsequent increase in
in-tracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).
Formation of PTH begins with
the synthesis of sev-eral precursor molecules. PreproPTH is the initial pep-tide that is synthesized within the
parathyroid gland, and it serves as a precursor to both proPTH and PTH.
PreproPTH is formed within the rough endoplasmic reticulum, transported into
the cisternal space, and then cleaved to form proPTH. The proPTH polypeptide is
transported into the cisternal space, where another pro-teolytic cleavage
occurs, forming PTH.
PTH has two levels of action
in bone. First, in response to acute decreases in serum calcium, PTH stimulates
surface osteocytes to increase the outward flux of cal-cium ion from bone to
rapidly restore serum calcium. Thus, during brief periods of hypocalcemia, PTH
re-lease results in mobilization of calcium from labile areas of bone that lie
adjacent to osteoclasts. This effect is not associated with any significant
increase in plasma phos-phate or bone resorption. Second, PTH induces
trans-formation of osteoprogenitor cells into osteoclasts, which increase bone
formation. Thus, PTH has anabolic action on bone formation at physiological levels,
and it is this action that allows it to be used pharmacologically to treat
osteoporosis. However, in conditions that result in chronic calcium deficiency
or prolonged hypocal-cemia (e.g., renal osteodystrophy, vitamin D deficiency,
or malabsorption syndromes), PTH mobilizes deep os-teocytes in perilacunar bone
and can result in significant bone resorption and eventual osteopenia as it
attempts to maintain normal concentrations of ionic or free plasma calcium.
In the kidney, PTH stimulates
the conversion of 25-(OH)D3 into 1,25-(OH)2D3.
Intrarenal 1,25-(OH)2 D3 causes an amplification of the
PTH-induced calcium re-absorption and phosphate diuresis. 1,25-(OH)2D3
en-hances PTH action in bone also. Once again, PTH does not directly affect
intestinal calcium absorption, but it
does so indirectly through induction of 1,25-(OH)2 D3
synthesis and enhanced enterocyte absorption.
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