Orf is an old Saxon
term for a human infection caused by a parapoxvirus of sheep andgoats. Synonyms
for the infection in animals include contagious pustular dermatitis, ec-thyma
contagiosum, pustular ecthyma, and “scabby mouth.” Humans usually acquire the
infection by close contact with infected animals and accidental inoculation
through cuts or abrasions on the hand or wrist. The typical skin lesion is
solitary; it begins as a vesicle and then evolves into a nodular mass that
later develops central necrosis. Regional lym-phadenopathy sometimes develops.
Dissemination is rare. The average duration of the le-sion is 35 days, followed
by complete resolution. The diagnosis is usually made on the basis of clinical
appearance and occupational history. Serologic confirmation or electron
microscopy of the lesion can be performed but is rarely necessary.
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