Ordinal and cardinal numbers
Travel Through
Ordinal and
cardinal numbers
Maya had some
grains to feed the birds. She threw the grains on the ground. Some birds and animals
came there one by one and had their food. The order they had the food is given
1. Crawing crow came first.
2. Pretty parrot came second.
3. Majestic dove came third.
4. Sweet myna came fourth.
5. Cute squirrel came fifth.
6. Naughty
monkey came sixth and finished all the grains.
In a library, the first
10 racks were allotted for magazines and dailies. Books that are arranged in different
racks from 11th onwards as shown below.
Answer the
following questions from the above picture.
i) Story books are
arranged in the 13th rack.
ii) Books on history
can be found in the 16th
iii) Between which
two racks are mathematics books placed? 16th
and 18th
iv) The English
books are next to the 18th
v) General
Knowledge books are in the 11th
vi) My favourite books are in the 13th rack.
What is special about 14th of November?
Wow! Children’s day
When is your birthday?
It comes on 29th
of November.
14th of November,
29th of November are called ordinal numbers. It represents the order of a
14, 29 are cardinal
numbers. They are counting numbers.
the following questions based on the above calendar.
i) 3rd
friday of November falls on 15th .
ii) 7th
of November 2019 falls on Thursday.
1st sunday of the month falls on 3rd November
iv) The
day 15.11.2019 falls on 3rd week
of November.
v) If 4th
of November falls on saturday then 18th of November will be the 3rd saturday of the month.
i) Write the mobile number of your father or
Pick out and write the digits in the following positions.
7th digit is 5
6th digit is 7
2nd digit is 8
The last number appears in 10th
ii) Find out who am
Here are the clues
to find it out.
* I am 5 lettered
* You can sit on me.
* If you remove my
first letter. I will be on your head.
* If you remove my second letter you can breathe me (in and out); I am everywhere.
iii) Here are the
clues to find out.
* I am 8 lettered
* My first and third
letter are same.
* My last 3 letters
refer to a small insect that you could find anywhere where there is sweet but I
won’t fl y.
* My second letter is
the first letter of the word that represent the national flower.
* I am the biggest animal on land.
iv) Find the name
of the flower.
* The Fifth letter is
* The Second letter
is ‘H’.
* The Fourth and
nineth letter is ‘E’.
* ‘O’ will come in
third and seventh position.
* The Tenth letter is
* The Eigth letter is
23rd letter in the sequence of alphabets.
* The First letter is
19th letter in alphabet’s list.
* The Sixth letter is twelfth letter of alphabets.
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