Objectives of Funds Flow
Profit & Loss Account and
Balance Sheet are not able to give answer to some basic questions. For this
purpose Funds Flow Statement is prepared. According to Perry Mason who points
out in AICPA Research Study No. 2 that without such a statement, the following
questions will remain unanswered:
Meaning of the term 'Fund': - The
term 'Fund' has been
assigned different meanings by different people. In narrow sense 'Funds' means
cash and Bank balance. To many people funds is nothing but having the net
effect of various business events on the basis of cash. This explains the trend
towards the preparation and presentation of "Cash Flow Statement" in
published report of accounts.
But in wider sense the term 'Fund' is the
sum of cash and assets, which are easily convertible into cash minus current
liabilities. In other words 'Fund' means
excess of current assets over current liabilities. Where current assets include
cash in hand, cash at bank, bills receivable, sundry debtors, stock, marketable
securities and prepaid expenses etc. The current liabilities include sundry
creditors, bills payable, outstanding expenses, short-term loans and bank
overdraft etc.
Funds =
Current Assets - Current Liabilities = Working
Meaning of the term 'Flow': - The
term 'Flow' means
change. Therefore flow of funds means change in working capital. The change in
funds may be either positive or negative. It may be inflow of funds or outflow
of funds.
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