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Chapter: 3rd Maths : Term 2 Unit 1 : Numbers

Number operations in daily life situations

Example numerical problems with solutions : Number operations in daily life situations

Number operations in daily life situations

Example 1

If the cost of one eraser is 4, what will be the cost of 2 erasers?

4 + 4 = 8

2 × 4 = 8

The cost of two erasers = 2 × 4 = 8


Example 2

 If there are 6 eggs in a box, how many eggs will be there in 5 boxes.

Number of Boxes = 5

Number of Eggs = 6

Total Number of Eggs = 5 × 6 = 30



1. If there are 4 toys in a box. How many toys will be there in 9 boxes?

Number of Boxes = 9

Number of toys in each box = 4

Total Number of toys = 9 × 4 = 36


2.  If there are 3 colour pencils in a packet. How many colour pencils will be there in 9 packets?

Number of packets = 9

Number of colour pencils in each packets = 3

Total Number of colour pencils = 9 × 3 = 27


3. Write the multiplication fact for the following products


3 × 8 ; 12 × 2 ; 2 × 12 ; 1 × 24 ; 24 × 1


15 × 3 ; 3 × 15 ; 45 × 1 ; 1 × 45


3 × 12 ; 18 × 2 ; 2 × 18 ; 36 × 1 ; 1 × 36


2 × 8 ; 4 × 4 ; 8 × 2 ; 16 × 1 ; 1 × 16

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