Estrogens and progestins
exert their effects in target tis-sues by a combination of cellular mechanisms.
High-affinity estrogen and progestin receptors are found in tar-get tissues.
There are two forms of the estrogen receptor, ER-α and ER-β , and two forms of the progesterone receptor,
PR-α and PR-β . Receptor binding by
estrogens and progestins can activate a classic pathway of steroid hormone gene
transcription. Gene activation is mediated by the ability of steroid hormone
receptor complexes to recruit nuclear coactivator proteins to the transcription
complex. Gene repression occurs in a ligand-dependent fashion by the
recruitment of nuclear corepressor pro-teins to the transcription complex. This
latter effect is an important mechanism of action of estrogen antagonism.
Activation of steroid hormone receptors by their cognate ligands proceeds
through receptor phosphorylation events. It is well established that estrogen
and proges-terone receptor activation also takes place in a ligand-independent
fashion. As a result of cross-talk among cell signaling pathways, ER and PR are
activated by phos-phorylation events triggered by such diverse stimuli as
epidermal growth factor, insulinlike growth factor, pro-tein kinase A, and
protein kinase C.
An additional mode of
estrogen and progesterone action is classified as nongenomic effects.
Nongenomic mechanisms for steroid hormone action are attributed to responses to
estrogens and progestins that occur in a very short time (seconds to several
minutes) such that they are difficult to explain by transcriptional
activa-tion. The role of the ER and PR receptors in these re-sponses is
incompletely understood. One important ex-ample of a nongenomic estrogen action
that is mediated by ER- is the rapid stimulation of endothelial nitric oxide
synthase (eNOS). This enzyme produces nitric ox-ide. Nitric oxide has
vasodilatory activity, and activation of eNOS may be an important mediator of
the cardio-protective effects of estrogens.
Estradiol can augment target
tissue responses to progesterone by inducing an increase in the concentra-tion
of progesterone receptors. Progesterone, on the other hand, appears to limit
tissue responses to estrogen by decreasing the concentration of ERs.
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