Marking tools are items, which are used for
drawing the pat-terns on paper or on fabrics. These tools are used for marking
the cutting lines, darts, tucks, neck curves, connecting lines and shapes. The
tools include colour pencils (Red and Blue), Marking chalk, tracing wheel,
tailor’s square and French curve (Figure 6.3).
Colour pencils are ordinary pencils which is available in the market. It is used for drawing the patterns on paper. Red colour is used for marking the cutting lines and the blue colour is used for marking tucks, darts and seam.
Marking chalk is a hard chalk used for marking
patterns. It is also called as Tailor’s chalk. It is used to draw the outline
of the garment on the fabric. It is available in three colours (red, blue and
yellow) and two shapes namely triangle and square. With the help of these
chalks, curved parts can be drawn easily on the fabric.
Tracing wheel is a small circular metal wheel
attached to a metal or wooden handle. The disc has sharp teeth. This helps to
create per-forations, which indicate the cutting lines. It is used for
transferring very small pat-tern details on the fabric (Examples: Darts,
notches). It is used for marking more num-ber of fabrics at the same time.
Tailor’s square is a ‘L’ shaped scale. It is also
known as ‘L’ scale. It is used for drawing typ-ical squares or rectangles. It
has both inches and centimeters marked. It is available in wood, steel and
French curve is a flat template made out of wood,
plastic or metal. It is composed of many curves. It is used for drawing curved
lines like necklines and armscye lines in dress making. It helps in marking
scalloped designs.
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