Social Science : Geography
On the given outline map of the
world, Mark the following.
Any two deltas
A Karst region
Any two hot and cold deserts
1. Is wind the only gradational
agent in the desert?
When the speed of wind is reduced by the presence of obstacles
like bushes, forests, and rock structures, the sediments carried by wind get
deposited on both the windward and leeward sides of these obstacles. So wind is
the only graditional agent.
2. Underground water is more
common in limestone areas than surface run off why?
Limestone absorbs the water quickly. It passes the water to
underground. So underground water is more common in limestone areas than
surface run off.
3. The river channels in the
lower course are wider than the upper course.
• Erosion is the most dominant action of river in the upper
course. The river channel performserosion with great force to widen and deepen
its valley.
• The main work of the river on the lower course is deposition.
Large deposits of sediments are found at the level. So the lower course made a
broad level plains.
Chemical alternation of carbonate rocks on lime stone region.
Flat surfaces near cliffs.
Erosion + Transportation = Deposition
The bottom line of a snow field.
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