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Chapter: Biochemistry: Minerals


About 70 percent of the total magnesium content of the body is combined with calcium and phosphorus in the complex salts of bone.



About 70 percent of the total magnesium content of the body is combined with calcium and phosphorus in the complex salts of bone. The reminder is in the soft tissues and body fluids. It is the principal cation of the soft tissues. Magnesium ions act as an activators for many of the phosphate group transferring enzymes and it also functions as a co-factor for oxidative phosphorylation.

Blood content of magnesium

The normal level of magnesium in blood is 1-3 mg/100 ml.


Milk, egg, cauliflower, cabbage and fruits are rich sources of magnesium.


Infants - 100-150 mg/day

Children - 150 -200 mg/day

Adults - 200-300 mg/day

Absorption and excretion

Like calcium the salts of magnesium are rather insoluble and greater part of the daily ingested magnesium is not absorbed. Parathyroid hormone increases the magnesium absorption. Very high intake of fat, phosphate and calcium decrease the absorption of magnesium.

The major quantity of magnesium is excreted in the feces and remaining is excreted through urine.


Magnesium deficiency causes depression, muscular weakness, and liability to convulsions.


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