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Chapter: Introduction to Botany: The Origin of Flowering

Leguminosae, or Fabaceae - legume family

Leguminosae, or Fabaceae - legume family
Belong to rosids (Rosidae). Up to 17,000 species, third largest angiosperm family after Compositae (aster family) and Orchidaceae (orchids). Widely distributed throughout the world, but preferably in tropics.

Leguminosae, or Fabaceae - legume family


Belong to rosids (Rosidae). Up to 17,000 species, third largest angiosperm family after Compositae (aster family) and Orchidaceae (orchids). Widely distributed throughout the world, but preferably in tropics. Have root nodules with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Leaves alternate, pinnately compound (once or twice), with stipules.


Three subfamilies (Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae, Papilionoideae) often treated as separate families. Sepals 5, united. Petals 5, in Papilionoideae they are free, unequal and have special names: banner, keel and wing (Fig. 8.19), in Mimosoideae they fuse and form tube. Stamens often 10 with 9 fused and one free stamen; in Mimosoideae, stamens are numerous. Singe pistil with single carpel. Flower formula of Mimosoideae is


Papilionoid legumes have formula like


Fruit is a legume (pod): dehiscent with one camera. Mature seeds without endosperm. 


Representatives of Leguminosae:


                  Mimosoideae: stamens numerous, petals connected


Acacia—dominant tree of African and Australian savannas, often withphyllodes


Mimosa—sensitive plant


                  Papilionoideae: stamens 9+1, petals free; this subfamily contains many extremely important food plants with high protein value




Arachis—peanut with self-buried fruits






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Introduction to Botany: The Origin of Flowering : Leguminosae, or Fabaceae - legume family |

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