UNIT − 4
Nisha and Joe were friends. Nisha
had a pet animal. It was a dog. It’s name was Arjun. It was 25 kg weight. Joe
had a pet animal. It was a cat. It’s name was pooja. It was 15 kg weight.
Which animal is heavy? Dog
Which is heavy? Book or paper
Which is heavy? Ball or Balloon
Which is heavy? Ball or iron ball
Estimate and tick the correct
Find the weight whether it is in gram or kilogram.
Different weighing instruments
are used to measure weight.
Common balance, Digital balance, Weigh
machine, Spring balance
Note: Vegetables, fruits
and rice are measured in kilogram (kg)
Observe the given picture and
circle the correct weight.
Let us know the Weighing stones
are in grams and kilograms
gram can be written as “g”
Note: Gold, pepper, Tea powder, silver, Coffee powder etc . are measured by
1 kilogram = 1000 grams
Change into grams and kilogram
a) 1 kg = 1000 g
b) 2 kg = 2000
c) 3 kg
= 3000 g
d) 15 kg = 15000 g
e) 23 kg = 23000
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