1. List
the non – conventional energy
various non-conventional energy sources are as follows:
Ocean thermal energy conversion
Tidal energy
Geothermal energy
Hydrogen energy
Fuel cells
Magneto-hydrodynamics generator
Thermionic converter
Thermo-electric power.
2. Write the
advantages of non – conventional Energy
sources? Advantages of non-conventional energy sources:
leading advantages of non-conventional energy sources are:
1. They do
not pollute the atmosphere
2. They are
available in large quantities.
3. They are
well suited for decentralized use.
3. Write the
characteristic’s of wind energy?
1. Wind-power
systems do not pollute the atmosphere.
2. Fuel
provision and transport are not required in wind-power systems.
3. Wind
energy is a renewable source of energy.
4. Wind
energy when produced on small scale is cheaper, but competitive with
conventional power generating systems when produced on a large scale.
energy entails following short comings/problems:
1. It is
fluctuating in nature.
2. Due to
its irregularity it needs storage devices.
3. Wind
power generating systems produce ample noise.
4. What
are the advantages
and limitation of
Tidal power generation?
1. Tidal
power is completely independent of the precipitation (rain) and its uncertainty
besides being inexhaustible.
2. Large
area of valuable land is not required.
3. When a
tidal power plant works in combination with thermal or hydro-electric system
peak power demand can be effectively met with.
4. Tidal
power generation is free from pollution.
1. Due to
variation in tidal range the output is not uniform.
2. Since the
turbines have to work on a wide range of head variation (due to variable tidal
range) the plant efficiency is affected.
3. There is
a fear of machinery being corroded due to corrosive sea water.
4. It is
difficult to carry out construction in sea.
5. As
compared to other sources of energy, the tidal power plant is costly.
6. Sedimentation
and silteration of basins are the problems associated with tidal power plants.
7. The power
transmission cost is high because the tidal power plants are located away from
load centers.
5. Write the
advantages of MHD systems?
1. More
reliable since there are no moving parts.
2. In MHD
system the efficiency can be about 50% (still higher expected) as compared to
less than 40% for most efficient steam plants.
3. Power
produced is free of pollution.
4. As soon
as it is started it can reach the full power level.
5. The size
of plant is considerably smaller than conventional fossil fuel plants.
6. Less
overall operational cost.
7. The
capital cost of MHD plants is comparable to those of conventional steam plants.
8. Better
utilization of fuel.
9. Suitable
for peak power generation and emergency service.
6. Write the
advantages of OTEC?
1. Ocean is
an infinite heat reservoir which receives solar incidence throughout the year.
2. Energy is
freely available
Write the
disadvantages of OTEC?
1. Efficiency
is very low, about 2.5%, as compared to 30 - 40% efficiency for conventional
power plants.
2. Capital
cost is very high
7. Define – Tidal
power plant?
The tidal power plants are generally classified on
the basis of the number of basins used for power generations. They are further
subdivided as one-way or two-way system as per the cycle of operation for power
8. Write
the application of geothermal energy?
The following are the three main applications of
the steam and hot water from the wet geothermal reservoirs:
1. Generation
of electric power.
2. Space
heating for buildings.
3. Industrial
process heat.
The major
benefit of geothermal energy is its varied application and versatility.
9. What
are the Advantages
and disadvantages of
Geothermal Energy over
other Energy forms?
of geothermal process:
1. Geothermal
energy is cheaper.
2. It is
versatile in its use.
3. It is the
least polluting as compared to other conventional energy sources.
4. It is
amenable for multiple uses from a single resources
5. Geothermal
power plants have the highest annual load factors of 85 percent to 90 per cent
compared to 45 per cent to 50 per cent for fossil fuel plants.
6. It
delivers greater amount of net energy from its system as compared to other
alternative or conventional systems.
1. Low
overall power production efficiency (about 15% as compared to 35% to 40% for
fossil fuel plants).
2. Drilling
operation is noisy.
3. Large
areas are needed for exploitation of geo-thermal energy.
The withdrawal of large amounts of steam or water
from a hydro-thermal reservoir may result in surface subsidence or settlement.
Define demand factor?
Demand factor is defined as the ratio of maximum
demand to connected load.
Connected load is the sum of ratings in kW of
equipment installed in the consumer's premises.
Maximum demand is the maximum load, which a
consumer uses at any time.
Define load curve?
Load curve is a graphical
representation between load in kW and time in hours. It. shows variati6n of
load at the power station. The area under the load curve -represents the energy
generated in a particular period.
12. Define load factor?
Load factor is defined as the
ratio of average load to the peak load (or) maximum demand.
13. What includes fixed cost?
cost includes the following cost.
1. Cost of land
2. Cost of building
3. Cost of equipment
4. Cost of installati6n
5. Interest
6. Depreciation cost
7. Insurance
8. Management cost
14. What includes operating cost?
Operating cost includes the following cost.
Cost of fuel 2. Cost
of operating labour,
3. Cost of
maintenance labours and materials.
4. Cost of
supplier like
Water for
feeding boilers, for condenser and for general use.
oil and, grease.
treatment chemicals.
15. What is the need of depreciation cost?
Depreciation cost is the amount
to be set aside per year from the income of the plant to meet the depreciation
caused by the age of service, wear and tear of the machinery and equipments.
Depreciation amount collected every year helps in replacing and repairing the
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