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Chapter: Microbiology and Immunology: Immunology of Transplantation and Malignancy

Immune Reactions against Tumors

Tumor antigens are capable of eliciting a comprehensive immune response involving both the cellular and humoral immune responses.

Immune Reactions against Tumors

Tumor antigens are capable of eliciting a comprehensive immune response involving both the cellular and humoral immune responses.

 Cellular immune responses

T lymphocytes play an important role in tumor immunity. They act both as cytotoxic effector cells and as central modulating cells. Through these effector cells, they control the specific cell-mediated antitumor immune responses and upregulate non-specific killing mechanisms. The activation of T lymphocytes by tumor cell products as a consequence of antigen recognition may result in the secretion of nonspecific immunoregulatory factors.

·           These factors are capable of “upregulating” the tumor-killing function of mononuclear phagocytes, NK cells, and granulocytes.

·           These factors also enhance the ability of NK cells and mono-cytes to participate in ADCC against tumor cells.

·           Macrophages also play an important role in tumor response. Clustering of macrophages around tumor cells is associated with tumor regression and seen in the case of numerous cancers.

 Humoral immune responses

B lymphocytes produce tumor-specific antibodies, which may induce complement-dependent cytotoxicity of tumor cells or may mediate ADCC. ADCC can be mediated by a variety of cells expressing Fc receptors (NK cells, monocytes or macrophages, and granulocytes) by recognizing and destroying IgG-coated tumor cells.

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