Groundwater hydrology may be
defined as the science of the occurrence, distribution and movement of water
below the surface of the earth. Ground water is the underground water that
occurs in the saturated one of variable thickness and depth below the earth's
surface. Groundwater is an important source of water supply throughout the
world. Its use in irrigation, industries, urban and rural home continues to
Origin of ground water:
Almost all groundwater can be
thought of as a part of hydrologic cycle, including surface and atmospheric
waters. Connate water is water entrapped in the interstices of sedimentary rock
at the time it was deposited. It may have been derived from the ocean or fresh
water sources and typically is highly minimized.New water of magmatic, almost
all ground water can be thought
of as a
part of the hydrologic cycle, including surface volcanic or cosmic origin added
to the terrestrial water supply is juvenile water.
Ground water constitutes one
portion of the earth water circulatory system known as the hydrologic cycle.
Water bearing formations, of the earth crust act as conduits for transmission
and as reservoirs for storage of water. Water enters these formations from the
ground surface or form bodies of surface water
After which it travels slowly for
varying distances until it returns to the surface by action of natural flow,
plants or man. Ground water emerging into surface stream channels aids in
sustaining stream flow when surface runoff is low or non-existent. Similarly
water pumped from wells represents the sole water source in many regions during
much of every year.
All ground water originates as
surface water. Principal sources of natural recharge include precipitation,
stream flow, lakes and reservoirs. Other contributions known as artificial
recharge occur from excess irrigation, seepage from canals and water purposely
applied to augment groundwater supplies. Discharge of ground water occurs when
emerges from underground. Most natural discharge occurs as flow into surface
water bodies such as streams, lakes and oceans. Flow to the surface appears as
spring. Groundwater near the surface may return directly to the atmosphere by
evaporation from the soil and by transpiration from vegetation.
Occurrence of ground water:
Ground water occurs in permeable
geologic formations known as aquifers. ie, formations having structures that
permit appreciable water to move through them under ordinary field conditions.
Ground water reservoir and water bearing formation are commonly used synonyms.
An aquitard is a formation, which
only seepage is possible and thus the yield is insignificant compared to an
aquifer. It is partly permeable. An acquiclude is an impermeable formation
which may contain water but incapable of transmitting significant water
quantities. An aquifuge is an impermeable formation neither containing not
transmitting water.
The portion of a rock or soil not occupied by solid mineral
matter may be occupied by groundwater. These spaces are known as voids, interstices,
pores or pore space. Because interstices can act as groundwater conduits they
are of fundamental importance to the study of groundwater. Typically they are
characterized by their size, shape, irregularity and distribution. Original
interstices were created by geologic process governing the origin of he
geologic formation and are found in sedimentary and igneous rocks. Secondary
interstices developed after the rock was formed. Capilary interstices are
sufficiently small so that surface tension fo4ces will hold water within them.
Depending upon the connection of interstices with others, they may be classed
as communicating or isolated. The amount of pore space per unit volume of the
aquifer material is called porosity. It is expressed as the percentage of void
space to the total volume of the mass Permeability:
As stated above the ground water
is stored in the pores of rock and will hence be available in the ground rocks,
only if they are sufficiently porous. The porosity of the rock, thus defining
the maximum amount of water that can be stored in the rock. In fact the water
can enter into a rock only if the rock permits the flow of water through it, it
depends on whether the rock is permeable or not. The size of the pores is thus
quite an important factor and it should be sufficiently large to make the rock
Vertical distribution of groundwater:
subsurface occurrence of groundwater may be divided into:
Zones of
ii) Zones of aeration
In the Zones of Saturation water
exists within the interstices and is known as the groundwater. This is the most
important zone for a groundwater hydraulic engineer, because he has to tap out
this water. Water in this zone is under hydrostatic pressure. The space above
the water and below the surface is known as the zone of aeration. Water exists
in this zone by molecular attraction.
This zone
is also divided into three classes depending upon the number of interstices
present. The capillary fringe is the belt overlying the zone of saturation and
it does contain some interstitial water and is thus a continuation to the zone
of saturation while the depth from the surface, which is penetrated by the
rocks of vegetation, is known as the soil zone.
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