Geological work of wind
The earth is surrounded by an
envelop of gases called the atmosphere. The movement of the atmosphere in a
direction parallel to the earth surface is wind. i.e the air in motion is called
wind whereas the vertical movement s of the atmosphere are termed as air
Erosion by wind and developed features:
erosion is generally caused by two erosion processes:
Deflation ii) Abrasion.
is the process of simply removing the loose sand and dust sized particles from
as area, by fast moving winds. Wind deflation can successfully operate in
comparatively dry regions with little or no rainfall and where the mantle is
unprotected due to absence of vegetation.
Such a removal of loose fine
particles may at certain places leave a denuded surface consisting mostly of
hard rocks or coarse materials like gravel and is called lag gravel. This
gravel layer prevents further deflation.
The wind loaded with such
particles attains a considerable erosive power which helps a considerable
er4osive power which helps in eroding the rock surfaces by rubbing and grinding
actions and produce many changes. This type of wind erosion is known as
Vertical column of rocks are thus
more readily worm out towards their lower portions and a result pedestal rocks
are formed which wider tops have supported on comparatively narrower bases.
Such type of rock formations is called Pedestal or Mushroom rocks.
Transportation by wind:
The total sediment load carried by a wind can be
divided into two parts. a) Bed load
b) Suspended load
The larger and heavier particles
such as sands or gravels, which are moved by the winds but not lifted more than
30 to 60 cm of the earth surface constitute the bed load. Whereas the finer
or dust particles which are
lifted by the moving winds by a distance of hundreds of meters above the earths
surface constitute the suspended load.
Deposition of sediment by wind and the developed
The sediments get dropped and
deposited forming what are known as Aeolian deposits. There are two types of
Aeolian deposits;
a) Sand dunes b) Loess
Sand dunes:
Sand dunes are huge heaps of sand
formed by the natural deposition of wind blown sand sometimes of
characteristics and recognizable shape. Such deposits are often found to
migrate from one place to another due to change in the direction and velocity
of wind.
The active dunes can be divided into three types:
a) Barchans or Crescent shaped dunes
b) Transverse dunes
c) Longitudinal dunes
These dunes that look like a new moon in plan are
of most common occurrence. They are triangular in section with the steep side
facing away from the wind direction and inclined
at an
angle of about 300 to 330 to the horizontal.
The gently sloping side lies on the windward side, and makes
an angle of about 10 to 150
with the horizontal. They may have variable sizes, with a
generally maximum height of about 335 meters and horn to horn width of say 350
A transverse dune is similar to a barchans in
section but in plan it is not curved like barchans such that its longer axis is
broadly transverse to the direction of the prevailing winds.
Longitudinal dunes are the elongated ridges of sand with their
longer axis broadly
parallel to the direction of the prevailing wind. When seen in
the side view they will appear to be triangular on an average they may be 3 m
height and 200 m long.
The finest particles of dust travelling in
suspension with the wind are transported to a considerable distance. When
dropped down under favourable conditions these have been found to accumulate in
the different constituents the form of paper-thin laminae, which have
aggregated together to form a massive deposit known as Loess.
In general no site is selected for any type of
important work on the moving dunes because such dunes are always a source of
trouble to an engineer. It has been experienced that sometimes the moving dunes
damage certain important works. But if an engineer is compelled to select such
a site, special methods should be adopted to check the motion of the moving
dunes. For ex:
Either to
construct wind breaks or growing vegetation on the surrounding areas.
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