A fire in a concrete structure
causes damage. The extent of which depends upon the intensity and duration of
the fire.
The principle types of damages are
ü Reduction
in strength of concrete
ü Cracking
and spalling of concrete
ü Deflection
and deformation of members
ü Discolouration
Concrete structures are determined by three main
ü The
capacity of concrete itself to withstand
ü The
conductivity of the concrete to heat
ü The
coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete
A large number of reinforced
concrete structures salvaged from destruction in fires by timely fire fighting
operations can be put to further service after strengthening and providing some
cosmetic repairs since the cost of restoration of such structures less than
that for dismantling and construction
of new ones. The fire may cause different degrees of damage to the structure:
the structure may be completely burnt or destroyed; its surface may be slightly
damaged or slight deformation may occur. In the first case, the whole of
damaged portion has to be replaced during restoration of structure while in the
latter, only repair and finishing may be required. The extent of damage caused
th the structure during a fire depends on the duration of fire, and the
temperature to which the structure was subjected during the fire.
High temperature during a fire
reduces the strength of reinforced concrete structures due to change in the
strength and deformability of materials, reduction in cross sectional
dimensions, weakening of bond between the reinforcement and concrete which
determines structural action under the load.
When assessing the effects of a fire on a building structure,
it is important to recognize that the huge expansion that occurs in the members
subjected to the fire temperature may cause damage in other members remote from
the fire.
Shear cracking can occur in
columns and cracking resulting from inversion of moment may occur if detailing
is not adequate
Restoration of fire Damaged Elements
The eccentrically loaded columns
fail when reinforcement bars in tension heat up. The fire resistance of such
elements can be increased by increasing the thickness of protective layer. Heat
transmission and temperature of bottom reinforcement are keys to the behavior
of reinforced concrete slab exposed to fire. The reinforcing bars are assumed
to retain one half of their original strength. Carrying capacity of slabs can
be enhanced by increasing their thickness. For beams, depth and width can be
increased. It should be kept in mind that in beams, weakening of bond between
transverse reinforcement and concrete on account of heating reduces the
residual shear load carrying capacity considerably.
The carrying capacity of axially
loaded depends upon the cross section of the column coefficient of change in
strength of concrete under high temperature and corresponding critical
temperature. The carrying capacity can be restored by increasing the cross
section with suitable increase in the longitudinal steel.
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