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Chapter: 5th Maths : Term 3 Unit 3 : Measurements

Finding volume using water

Measure the height of the water level by put the object into the beaker.

Finding volume using water


Activity 1

Measure the height of the water level by put the object into the beaker.

Mark millimeter and centimeter with a scale in a glass. Then fill the water at zero level.

Put a marble into the glass and note the height of the water level.

Similarly, put the items given in the table into the glass and note the height of the water level.


Activity 2

* Take some water in a beaker and mark its level.

* Take a solid, that is, potato and immerse it in the beaker containing water.

What do you observe?

The water level rises.


Activity 3

1. Take 2 sheets of same size (may be an old rough paper).

2. Using scissor and glue make a cylindrical and a cubical box.

3. Fill both with sand and cover all the ends.

4. Take a bucket. Partially, fill the bucket/tub with water. Mark the water line.

5. Now, if we dip the sand-filled cubical box inside the bucket/tub, will there be any change in the water level? If so, will it increase or decrease?

Yes, it will increase.

6. Now, dip the sand-filled cubical box inside the bucket/tub. Mark the water level as "A" (after).

Let the children observe the rise in the water level. Ask them the following:

* What do you observe? Is there any changes in the water level?

Yes, there is a change in the water level.

* What could be the reason for change in the level?

Due to the volume of sand filled in the cubial box.

* Could you find the space occupied by the cylindrical box?

Yes, we could find the space occupied by the cylindrical box.

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