The February Revolution was the result of the political, economic and social causes of Russian Revolution Of 1917. On the eve of the February Revolution there was food shortage in the city. People protested against war.
As the protests grew, various political reformists (both liberal and radical left) joined together against the Tsar regime. In February the protests in Petrograd turned violent as large numbers of city residents rioted and clashed with police and soldiers. There was also total strike. Eventually the bulk of the soldiers garrisoned in Petrograd joined the protesters.
On 12th March, 1917 the capital city of Petersburg (renamed Petrograd and now Leningrad) fell into the hands of the revolutionaries. Soon the revolutionaries took Moscow, the Tsar Nicholas II gave up his throne and the first provisional Government was formed on 15 March.
The fall of the Tszar is known as the February Revolution because, according to the old Russian calendar, it occurred on 27 February 1917.
The most important demands of the people were fourfold: peace, land to the tiller, control of industry by workers, and equal status for the non-Russian nationalities. The Provisional Government under the leadership of Kerensky did not implement any of these demands and lost the support of the people. Lenin, who was in exile in Switzerland at the time of the February Revolution, returned to Russia in April.
Lenin gave his 'April Theses'. This promised KERENSKY people what they wanted.
Under his leadership the Bolshevik Party put forward clear policies to end the war, transfer land to the peasants and advance the slogan 'All power to the Soviets'. Lenin and his trusted associate Leon Trotsky led the October Revolution.
The unpopularity of the Kerensky's government led to its collapse on 7th November 1917, when a group of soldiers occupied the Winter Palace, the seat of the Kerensky Government. An All-Russian Congress of Soviets met on the same day and assumed full political power. This event which took place on 7 November is known as the October Revolution because of the corresponding date of the old Russian calendar, 25 October.
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