The liver is of major
importance to, and plays many roles in, metabolism. Except for a few of the
fatty acids, all nutrients that are absorbed in the intes-tines are transported
to the liver. The liver dismantles some of these nutrients, stores others, and
uses some to synthesize other substances.
The liver determines
where amino acids are needed and synthesizes some proteins, enzymes, and urea.
It changes the simple sugars to glycogen, provides glucose to body cells, and
synthesizes glucose from amino acids if needed. It converts fats to
lipoproteins and synthesizes cholesterol. It stores iron, copper, zinc, and
magnesium as well as the fat-soluble vitamins and B vitamins. The liver
synthesizes bile and stores it in the gallbladder. It detoxifies many
substances such as barbiturates and morphine.
Liver disease may be
acute or chronic. Early treatment can usually lead to recovery. Cirrhosis is a general term
referring to all types of liverdisease characterized by cell loss. Alcohol
abuse is the most common cause of cirrhosis, but it can also be caused by
congenital defects, infections, or other toxic chemicals.
Although the liver
does regenerate, the replacement during cirrhosis does not match the loss. In addition
to the cell loss during cirrhosis, there is fatty infiltration and fibrosis. These developments
prevent the liver from functioning normally. Blood flow through the liver is
upset, and a form of hypertension, anemia, and hemorrhage in the esophagus can
occur. The normal metabolic processes will also be disturbed to such a degree
that, in severe cases, death may result.
The dietary treatment
of cirrhosis provides at least 25 to 35 calories or more and 0.8 to 1.0 gram of
protein per kilogram of weight each day, depending on the client’s condition.
If hepatic coma appears imminent, the lower amount is advocated. Supplements of
vitamins and minerals are usually needed. In advanced cirrhosis, 50% to 60% of
the calories should be from carbohydrates.
In some forms of
cirrhosis, clients cannot tolerate fat well, so it is restricted. In another
form, protein may not be well tolerated, so it is restricted to 35 to 40 grams
a day. Sometimes cirrhosis causes ascites. In such a case,
sodium and fluids may be restricted. If there is bleeding in the esophagus,
fiber can be restricted to prevent irritation of the tissue. Smaller feedings
will be better accepted than larger ones. No alcohol is allowed.
Hepatitis is an inflammation of
the liver. It is caused by viruses or toxic agentssuch as drugs and alcohol. Necrosis occurs, and the
liver’s normal metabolic activities are constricted. Hepatitis may be acute or
Hepatitis A virus
(HAV) is contracted through contaminated drinking water, food, and sewage via a
fecal-oral route. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are
transmitted through blood, blood products, semen, and saliva. Hepatitis B and C
can lead to chronic active hepatitis (CAH), which is diagnosed by liver biopsy.
Chronic active hepatitis can lead to liver failure and end-stage liver disease
In mild cases, the
cells can be replaced. In severe cases, the damage can be so extensive that the
necrosis leads to liver failure and death. There can be bile stasis and decreased blood
albumin levels. Clients experience nausea, headache, fever, fatigue, tender and
enlarged liver, anorexia, and jaundice. Weight loss can be
Treatment is usually
bed rest, plenty of fluids, and medical nutrition therapy. The diet should provide
35 to 40 calories per kilogram of body weight. Most of the calories should be
provided by carbohydrates; there should be moderate amounts of fat and, if the
necrosis has not been severe, up to 70 to 80 grams of protein for cell
regeneration. If the necrosis has been severe and the proteins cannot be
properly metabolized, they must be limited to prevent the accumulation of
ammonia in the blood. Clients may prefer frequent, small meals rather than
three large ones.
Clients with liver
disease require a great deal of encouragement because their anorexia and
consequent feelings of general malaise can be severe. Their recovery takes
patience, rest, and time.
The dual function of
the gallbladder is the concentration and storage of bile. After bile is formed
in the liver, the gallbladder concentrates it to several times its original
strength and stores it until needed. Fat in the duodenum triggers the
gallbladder to contract and release bile into the common duct for the digestion
of fat in the small intestine. If this flow is hindered, there may be pain.
The precise etiology
of gallbladder disease is unknown, but heredity factors may be involved. Women
develop gallbladder disease more often than men do. Obesity, total parenteral
nutrition (TPN), very low calorie diets for rapid weight loss, the use of
estrogen, and various diseases of the small intestine are frequently associated
with gallbladder disease.
Cholecystitis (inflammation) and cholelithiasis (gallstones) mayinhibit
the flow of bile and cause pain. Cholecystitis can cause changes in the
gallbladder tissue, which in turn can affect the cholesterol (a constituent of
bile), causing it to harden and form stones. It is also thought that chronic
over-indulgence in fats may contribute to gallstones because the fat stimulates
the liver to produce more cholesterol for the bile, which is necessary for the
diges-tion of fat. In addition to pain, which can be severe, there may be
indigestion and vomiting, particularly after the ingestion of fatty foods.
Treatment may include
medication to dissolve the stones and diet therapy. If medication does not
succeed, surgery to remove the gallbladder (cholecys-tectomy)
may be indicated.
Medical nutrition
therapy includes abstinence during the acute phase. This is followed by a clear
liquid diet and, gradually, a regular but fat-restricted diet. Amounts of fats
allowed run from 40 to 45 grams a day. In chronic cases, fat may be restricted
on a permanent basis. For obese clients, weight loss is recommended in addition
to a fat-restricted diet. Clients with chronic gallbladder conditions may
require the water-miscible forms of fat-soluble vitamins.
In addition to the
hormone insulin, the pancreas produces other hormones and enzymes that are
important in the digestion of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. When food
reaches the duodenum, the pancreas sends its enzymes to the small intestine to
aid in digestion.
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of
the pancreas. It may be causedby infections, surgery, alcoholism, biliary tract
(includes bile ducts and gall-bladder) disease, or certain drugs. It may be
acute or chronic.
Abdominal pain,
nausea, and steatorrhea are symptoms.
Malabsorp-tion (particularly of fat-soluble vitamins) and weight loss occur,
and, in cases in which the islets of Langerhans are destroyed, diabetes
mellitus may result.
Diet therapy is
intended to reduce pancreatic secretions and bile. Just as fat stimulates the
gallbladder to secrete bile, protein and hydrochloric acid stim-ulate the
pancreas to secrete its juices and enzymes. During acute pancreatitis, the
client is nourished strictly parenterally. Later, when the client can tolerate
oral feedings, a liquid diet consisting mainly of carbohydrates is given because,
of these three nutrients, carbohydrates have the least stimulatory effect on
pancreatic secretions.
As recovery
progresses, small, frequent feedings of carbohydrates and protein with little
fat or fiber are given. The fat is restricted because of deficiencies of
pancreatic lipase. The client is gradually returned to a less restricted diet
as tolerated. Vitamin supplements may be given. Alcohol is forbidden in all
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