Current Gain with Negative Current Feedback
Referring, we have,
Iin = I1 + If
= I1 + mi Iout
But Iout = Ai I1,
where Ai is the current gain of the amplifier without feedback.
Iin = I1 + mi
Ai I1 (ä Iout = Ai I1)
Current gain with negative current feedback is
This equation looks very much like that for the
voltage gain of negative voltage feedback amplifier. The only difference is
that we are dealing with current gain rather than the voltage gain.
The following points may be noted carefully :
(i) The current gain of the amplifier without
feedback is Ai. However, when negative current feedback is applied,
the current gain is reduced by a factor (1 + mi Ai).
feedback fraction (or current attenuation) mi has a value between 0
and 1.
(iii) The negative current feedback does not affect
the voltage gain of the amplifier.
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