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Chapter: Multicore Application Programming For Windows, Linux, and Oracle Solaris : Scaling with Multicore Processors

Constraints to Application Scaling

Most applications, when run in parallel over multiple cores, will get less than linear speedup.

Constraints to Application Scaling


Most applications, when run in parallel over multiple cores, will get less than linear speedup. We discussed this in Chapter 3, “Identifying Opportunities for Parallelism.” Amdahl’s law indicates that a section of serial code will limit the scalability of the appli-cation over multiple cores. If the application spends half of its runtime in a section of code that has been made parallel and half in a section of code that has not, then the best that can be achieved with two threads is that the application will run in three-quarters of the original time. The best that could ever be achieved would be for the code to run in about half the original time, given enough threads.


However, there will be other limitations that stop an application from scaling per-fectly. These limitations could be hardware bottlenecks where some part of the system has reached a maximum capacity. Adding more threads divides this total amount of resources between more consumers but does not increase the amount available. Scaling can also be limited by hardware interactions where the presence of multiple threads causes the hardware to become less effective. Software limitations can also constrain scal-ing where synchronization overheads become a significant part of the runtime.


Performance Limited by Serial Code


As previously discussed, the serial sections of code will limit how fast an application can execute given unlimited numbers of threads. Consider the code shown in Listing 9.1. This application has two sections of code; one section is serial code, and the other sec-tion is parallel code.


Listing 9.1     Application with Serial and Parallel Sections

#include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h>


void func1( double*array, int n )




for( int i=1; i<n; i++ )




array[i] += array[i-1];






void func2( double *array,int n )




#pragma omp parallel for for( int i=0; i<n; i++ )



array[i] = sin(array[i]);






int main()




double * array = calloc( sizeof(double), 1024*1024 ); for ( int i=0; i<100; i++ )




func1( array, 1024*1024 ); func2( array, 1024*1024 );



return 0;




Listing 9.2 shows the profile from the application when it is parallelized using OpenMP and run with a single thread. The application runs for nearly 16 seconds; this is the wall time. The user time is the time spent by all threads executing user code. More than half of the wall time is spent in the sin() function, about five seconds is spent in func2(), and about two seconds is spent in func1(). So, 14 of the 16 seconds of run-time are spent in code that can be executed in parallel.


Listing 9.2     Profile of Code Run with a Single Thread

Excl.  Excl. Name


User CPU     Wall


sec.    sec.


15.431 15.701       <Total>


8.616   8.756       sin


4.963   5.034       func2


1.821   1.831       func1


0.020   0.030       memset


0.010 0.010 <OMP-overhead>


If two threads were to run this application, we would expect each thread to take about seven seconds to complete the parallel code and one thread to spend about two seconds completing the serial code. The total wall time for the application should be about nine seconds. The actual profile, when run with two threads, can be seen in Listing 9.3.


Listing 9.3     Profile of Code Run with Two Threads

Excl.    Excl.    Name

User CPU        Wall   

sec.      sec.     

15.421            8.956  <Total>

8.526  4.413  sin

4.973  2.432  func2

1.831  1.851  func1

0.030  0.030  memset

0.030  0.140  <OMP-implicit_barrier>

0.030  0.040  <OMP-overhead>


The first thing that is important to notice is that the total amount of user time remained the same. This is the anticipated result; the same amount of work is being per-formed, so the time taken to complete it should remain the same.


The second observation is that the wall time reduces to about nine seconds. This is the amount of time that we calculated it would take.


The third observation is that the synthetic routines <OMP-implicit_barrier> and <OMP-overhead> accumulate a small amount of time. These represent the costs of the OpenMP implementation. The time attributed to the routines is very small, so they are not a cause for concern.


For a sufficiently large number of threads, we would hope that the runtime for the code could get reduced down to the time it takes for the serial region to complete, plus a small amount of time for the parallel code and any necessary synchronization. Listing 9.4 shows the same code run with 32 threads.


Listing 9.4  Profile of Code Run with 32 Threads

Excl. Excl. Name User CPU Wall




17.1623.192   <Total>


9.5270.410   sin


5.5940.190   func2


1.9111.991   func1


0.0900.520   <OMP-implicit_barrier>


0.0300.040   memset


With perfect scaling, we would expect the runtime of the application with 32 threads to be 2 seconds of serial time plus 14 seconds divided by 32 threads, making a total of just under 3 seconds. The actual wall time is not that far from this ideal number. However, notice that the total user time has increased.


This code is actually running on a single multicore processor, so the increase in user time probably indicates that the processor is hitting some scaling limits at this degree of utilization. The rest of the chapter will discuss what those limits could be.


The other thing to observe is that although the user time has increased by two sec-onds, this increase does not have a significant impact on the total wall time. This should not be a surprising result. A 2-second increase in user time spread over 32 threads repre-sents a 1/16th of a second increase in per thread, which is unlikely to be noticeable in the elapsed time, or wall time, of the application’s run.


This code has scaled very well. There remains two seconds of serial time and no amount of threads will reduce that, but the time for the parallel region has scaled very well as the number of threads has increased.


Superlinear Scaling


Imagine that you hurt your hand and were no long able to use both hands to type but you still had a report to finish. For most people, it would take more than twice as long to produce the report using one hand as using two. When your hand recovers, the rate at which you can type will more than double. This is an example of superlinear speedup. You double the resources yet get more than double the performance as a result. It’s easy to explain for this particular situation. With two hands, all the keys on the keyboard are within easy reach, but with only one hand, it is not possible to reach all the keys without having to move your hand.


In most instances, going from one thread to two will result in, at most, a doubling of performance. However, there will be applications that do see superlinear scaling—the application ends up running more than twice as fast. This is typically because the data that the application uses becomes cache resident at some point. Imagine an application that uses 4MB of data. On a processor with a 2MB cache, only half the data will be resident in the cache. Adding a second processor adds an additional 2MB of cache; then all the data becomes cache resident, and the time spent waiting on memory becomes sub-stantially lower.


Listing 9.5 shows a modification of the program in Listing 9.1 that uses 64MB of memory.


Listing 9.5     Program with 64MB Memory Footprint

#include <stdlib.h>


double func1( double*array, int n )




double total = 0.0;


#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:total) for( int i=1; i<n; i++ )



total += array[i^29450];




return total;




int main()




double * array = calloc( sizeof(double), 8192*1024 ); for( int i=0; i<100; i++ )




func1( array, 8192*1024 );






When the program is run on a single processor with 32MB of second-level cache, the program takes about 25 seconds to complete. When run using two threads on the same processor, the code completes in about 12 seconds and takes 25 seconds of user time. This is the anticipated performance gain from using multiple threads. The code takes half the time but does the same amount of work. However, when run using two threads, with each thread bound to a separate processor, the program runs in just over four sec-onds of wall time, taking only eight seconds of user time.


Adding the second processor has increased the amount of cache available to the pro-gram, causing it to become cache resident. The data in cache has a lower access latency, so the program runs significantly faster.


It is a different situation on a multicore processor. Adding an additional thread, partic-ularly if it resides on the same core, does not substantially increase the amount of cache available to the program. So, a multicore processor is unlikely to see superlinear speedup.


Workload Imbalance


Another common software issue is workload imbalance, when the work is not evenly dis-tributed over the threads. We have already seen an example of this in the Mandelbrot example in Chapter 7. The code in Listing 9.6 has a very deliberate workload imbalance. The number of iterations in the compute() function is proportional to the square of the value passed into it; the larger the number passed into the function, the more time it will take to complete.


A parallel loop iterates over a range from small values up to large values, passing each value into the function. If the work is statically distributed, the threads that get the initial iterations will spend less time computing the result than the threads that get the later iterations.


Listing 9.6     Code Exhibiting Workload Imbalance

#include <stdlib.h>


int compute( int value )




value = value*value; while ( value > 0 )



value = value - 12.0;




return value;




int main()




#pragma omp parallel for for( int i=0; i<3000; i++ )



compute( i );






Figure 9.1 shows the timeline view of running the code with eight threads. Each horizontal bar represents a thread actively running user code. The duration of the run is governed by the time taken by the longest thread. The longest threads completed in just over nine seconds. In those 9 seconds, the eight threads accumulated 27 seconds of user time. The user time represents the amount of work that the threads actually completed. If those 27 seconds of user time had been spread evenly across the eight threads, then the application would have completed in about 3.5 seconds.


Changing the scheduling of the parallel loop to guided scheduling results in the time-line shown in Figure 9.2. After this change, the work is evenly distributed across the threads, and the application runs in just over 3.5 seconds.

Hot Locks


Contended (or hot) mutex locks are one of the common causes of poor application scal-ing. This comes about when there are too many threads contending for a single resource protected by a mutex. There are two attributes of the program conspiring to produce the hot lock.


n   The first attribute is the number of threads needed to lock a single mutex. This is the usual reason for poor scaling; there are just too many threads trying to access this one resource.


n   The second, more subtle, issue is that the interval between a single thread’s accesses of the resource is too short. For example, imagine that each thread in an applica-tion needs to access a resource for one second and then does not access that resource again for nine seconds. In those nine seconds, another nine threads could access the resource without a conflict. The application would be able to scale very well to ten threads, but if an eleventh thread was added, the application would not scale as well, since this additional thread would delay the other threads from access to the resource.


These two factors result in the more complex behavior of an application with multi-ple threads. The application may scale to a particular number of threads but start scaling poorly because there is a contended lock that limits scaling. There are a number of potential fixes for this issue.


The most obvious fix is to “break up” the mutex or find some way of converting the single mutex into multiple mutexes. If each thread requires a different mutex, these mutex accesses are less likely to contend until the thread count has increased further.


Another approach is to increase the amount of time between each access to the criti-cal resource. If the resource is required less frequently, then the chance of two threads requiring the resource simultaneously is reduced. An equivalent change is to reduce the time spent holding the lock. This change alters the ratio between the time spent holding the lock and the time spent not holding the lock, with the consequence that it becomes less likely that multiple threads will require the lock at the same time.


There are other approaches that can improve the situation, such as using atomic oper-ations to reduce the cost of the critical section of code.


The code in Listing 9.7 simulates a bank that has many branch offices. Each branch holds a number of accounts and customers can move money between different accounts at the same branch. To ensure that the amounts held in each account are kept consistent, there is a single mutex lock that allows a single transfer to occur at any one time.


Listing 9.7     Code Simulating a Bank with Multiple Branches


#include <stdlib.h>


#include <strings.h>


#include <pthread.h>

#define ACCOUNTS 256 #define BRANCHES 128


int account[BRANCHES][ACCOUNTS]; pthread_mutex_t mutex;


void move( int branch, int from, int to, int value )




pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );


account[branch][from] -= value;


account[branch][to] += value;


pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );




void *customers( void *param )




unsigned int seed = 0;


int count = 10000000 / (int)param;


for( int i=0;   i<count; i++ )


int  row = rand_r(&seed) & (BRANCHES-1);

int from = rand_r(&seed) & (ACCOUNTS-1);

int  to = rand_r(&seed) & (ACCOUNTS-1);

move( row, from, to, 1 );





int main( int argc, char* argv[] )




pthread_t threads[64];


memset( account, 0, sizeof(account) ); int nthreads = 8;

if ( argc > 1 ) { nthreads = atoi( argv[1] ); }


pthread_mutex_init( &mutex, 0 ); for( int i=0; i<nthreads; i++ )



pthread_create( &threads[i], 0, customers, (void*)nthreads );




for( int i=0; i<nthreads; i++ )




pthread_join( threads[i], 0 );




pthread_mutex_destroy( &mutex ); return 0;



When run with a single thread, the program completes in about nine seconds. When run with eight threads on the same platform, it takes about five seconds to complete. The timeline view of the run of the application, shown in Figure 9.3, indicates the problem. The figure shows two seconds from the five-second run. Although all the threads are active some of the time, they are inactive for significant portions of the time. The inac-tivity is represented in the timeline view as gaps.


Looking at the profile, from the run of the application with eight threads, the user time is not significantly different from when it is run with a single thread. This indicates that the amount of work performed is roughly the same. The one place where the pro-files differ is in the amount of time spent in user locks. Listing 9.8 shows the profile from the eight-way run. This shows that the eight threads accumulate about 10 seconds of time spent, in __lwp_park(), parked waiting for user locks.


Listing 9.8     Profile of Bank Application Run with Eight Threads

Excl. Excl. Name

User CPU   User Lock 

sec. sec.

8.136 10.187     <Total>

1.811 0.   rand_mt

1.041 0.   atomic_cas_32

0.991 0.   mutex_lock_impl

0.951 0.   move

0.881 0.   mutex_unlock

0.841 0.   experiment

0.520 0.   mutex_trylock_adaptive

0.490 0.   rand_r

0.350 0.   sigon

0.160 0.   mutex_unlock_queue

0.070 0.   mutex_lock

0.020 10.187     __lwp_park


On Solaris, the tool plockstat can be used to identify which locks are hot. Listing 9.9 shows the output from plockstat. This output indicates the contended locks. In this case, it is the lock named mutex in the routine move().


Listing 9.9     Output from plockstat Indicating Hot Lock

% plockstat ./a.out 8 plockstat: pid 13970 has exited


Mutex block


Count nsec Lock   Caller


428 781859525 a.out`mutex   a.out`move+0x14

Alternatively, the call stack can be examined to identify the routine contributing to this time. Using either method, it is relatively quick to identify that particular contended lock.


In this banking example, there are multiple branches, and all account activity is restricted to occurring within a single branch. An obvious solution is to provide a single mutex lock per branch. This will enable one thread to lock up a transaction on a single branch, while other threads continue to process transactions at other branches. Listing 9.10 shows the modified code.


Listing 9.10   Bank Example Modified So That Each Branch Has a Private Mutex Lock

#include <stdlib.h> #include <strings.h> #include <pthread.h>


#define ACCOUNTS 256 #define BRANCHES 128

int account[BRANCHES][ACCOUNTS];


pthread_mutex_t mutex[BRANCHES];

void move( int branch, int from, int to, int value )




pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex[branch] ); account[branch][from] -= value; account[branch][to] += value; pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex[branch] );



void *experiment( void *param )




unsigned int seed = 0;


int count = 10000000 / (int)param; for( int i=0; i<count; i++ )



int  row = rand_r(&seed) & (BRANCHES-1);

int from = rand_r(&seed) & (ACCOUNTS-1);

int  to = rand_r(&seed) & (ACCOUNTS-1);

move( row, from, to, 1 );





int main( int argc, char* argv[] )




pthread_t threads[64];


memset( account, 0, sizeof(account) ); int nthreads = 8;

if ( argc > 1 ) { nthreads = atoi( argv[1] ); }


for( int i=0; i<BRANCHES; i++ )


pthread_mutex_init( &mutex[i], 0 );


for( int i=0; i<nthreads; i++ )




pthread_create( &threads[i], 0, experiment, (void*)nthreads );




for( int i=0; i<nthreads; i++ )




pthread_join( threads[i], 0 );




for( int i=0; i<BRANCHES; i++ )


pthread_mutex_destroy( &mutex[i] );


return 0;





With this change in the application, the original runtime remains at about nine sec-onds, but the runtime with eight threads drops to just over one second. This is the expected degree of scaling.

It is interesting to compare the scaling of three different configurations of the bank example. Figure 9.4 shows the scaling of the original code, with 128 branches and a sin-gle mutex, from one to eight threads; the scaling of the code with 128 branches, each with its own mutex; and the code that shows the scaling if there were only four branches, each with a single mutex.

One point worth noting is that even the original code shows some limited degree of scaling going from one to three threads. This indicates that it is relatively easy to get some amount of scaling from most applications. However, the scaling rapidly degrades when run with more than three threads. Perhaps surprisingly, there is little difference in scaling between provided 128 mutex locks or providing four. This is perhaps not as sur-prising when considered in the context of the original mutex lock that provides the ability to scale to three times the original thread count. It might, therefore, be expected that four mutex locks might be sufficient to scale the code to eight to twelve threads, which is in fact what is revealed if the data collection is extended beyond eight threads.


Scaling of Library Code


Issues with scaling are not restricted to just the application. It is not surprising to find scaling issues in code provided in libraries. One of the most fundamental library routines is the memory allocation provided by malloc() and free(). The code shown in Listing 9.11 represents a very simple benchmark of malloc() performance as the number of threads increases. The benchmark creates a number of threads, and each thread repeatedly allocates and frees a chunk of 1KB memory. The application completes after a fixed number of malloc() and free() calls have been completed by the team of threads.


Listing 9.11  Code to Testing Scaling of malloc() and free()


#include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h>


int nthreads;


void *work( void * param )




int count = 1000000 / nthreads; for( int i=0; i<count; i++ )



void *mem = malloc(1024); free( mem );





int main( int argc, char*argv[] )




pthread_t thread[50]; nthreads = 8;


if ( argc > 1 ) { nthreads = atoi( argv[1] ); } for( int i=0; i<nthreads; i++ )



pthread_create( &thread[i], 0, work, 0 );




for( int i=0; i<nthreads; i++ )




pthread_join( thread[i], 0 );




return 0;




Suppose a default implementation of malloc() and free() uses a single mutex lock to ensure that only a single thread can ever allocate or deallocate memory at any one time. This implementation will limit the scaling of the test code. The code is serialized, so performance will not improve with multiple threads. Consider an alternative malloc() that uses a different algorithm. Each thread has its own heap of memory, so it does not require a mutex lock. This alternative malloc() scales as the number of threads increases. Figure 9.5 shows the runtime of the application in seconds using the two malloc() implementations as a function of the number of threads.


As expected, the default implementation does not scale, so the runtime does not improve. The increase in runtime is because of more threads contending for the single mutex lock. The alternative implementation shows very good scaling. As the number of threads increases, the runtime of the application decreases.


There is an interesting, though perhaps not surprising, observation to be made from the performance of the two implementations of malloc() and free(). For the single-threaded case, the default malloc() provides better performance than the alternative implementation. The algorithm that provides improved scaling also adds a cost to the single-threaded situation; it can be hard to produce an algorithm that is fast for the sin-gle-threaded case and scales well with multiple threads.


Insufficient Work


If we return to the Mandelbrot example used in Chapter 7, “Using Automatic Parallel-ization and OpenMP,” we made the work run in parallel by having each thread compute a different range of iterations. A grid of 4,000 by 4,000 pixels was used, so there was plenty of work to be performed by each thread. On the other hand, if we were comput-ing a grid of 64 by 64 pixels, then using the same scheme we would not get scaling beyond 64 threads; each thread would be able to compute a single row of the image.


Of course, the parallelization scheme could be modified so that there was a single outer loop that iterated over the range 0 to 64 64 = 4096. Listing 9.12 shows the modified outer loop nest. With this modification, the maximum theoretical thread count reaches 4,096. It is likely that, for this example on standard hardware, the synchronization costs would dwarf the cost of the computation long before 4,096 threads were reached.


Listing 9.12   Merging Two Outer Loops to Provide More Parallelism

#pragma omp parallel for


for( int i=0; i<64*64; i++ )




y = i % SIZE;


x = i / SIZE;

double xv = ( (double)x - (SIZE/2) ) / (SIZE/4); double yv = ( (double)y - (SIZE/2) ) / (SIZE/4); matrix[x][y] = inSet( xv, yv );



Of course, it is not uncommon to find that scalability is limited by the number of iterations performed by the outer loop. We have already met the OpenMP collapse clause, which tells the compiler to perform this loop merge, as shown in Listing 9.13.


Listing 9.13   Using the OpenMP collapse Directive

#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2) for( int x=0; x<64; x++ )

for( int y=0; y<64; y++ )




double xv = ( (double)x – (SIZE/2) ) / (SIZE/4); double yv = ( (double)y – (SIZE/2) ) / (SIZE/4); matrix[x][y] = inSet( xv, yv );


However, if this code were to run with perfect scaling on 4,096 processors, then there would be no further opportunities for parallelization. If you recall, the routine inSet() has an iteration-carried dependence, so it cannot be parallelized, and we have exhausted all the parallelism available at the call site.


The only options to extract further parallelism in this particular instance would be to search for opportunities outside of this part of the problem. The easiest thing to do would be to increase the size of the problem; if there are spare threads, this might com-plete in the same amount of time and end up being more useful.


The problem size can also be considered as equivalent to the precision of the calcula-tion. It may be possible to use a larger number of processors to provide a result with more precision. Consider the example of numerical integration using the trapezium rule shown in Listing 9.14.


Listing 9.14   Numerical Integration Using the Trapezium Rule

#include <math.h> #include <stdio.h>


double function( double value )




return sqrt( value );




double integrate( double start, double end, int intervals )



double area = 0;


double range = ( end – start ) / intervals; for( int i=1; i<intervals; i++ )



double pos = i*range + start; area += function( pos );



area += ( function(start) + function(end) ) / 2; return range * area;




int main()




for( int i=1; i<500; i++ )




printf( "%i intervals %8.5f value\n", i, integrate( 0, 1, i ) );




return 0;



The code calculates the integral of sqrt(x) over the range 0 to 1. The result of this calculation is the value two-thirds. The time that the calculation takes depends on the number of steps used; the smaller the step, the more accurate the result.


The example illustrates this very nicely when it is run. When one step is used, the function calculates a value of 0.5 for the integral. Once a few more steps are being used, it calculates a value of 0.66665. The more steps used, the greater the precision. As the number of steps increases, there becomes more opportunity to spread the work over multiple threads.


The actual computation time is minimal, so from that perspective, the operation is not one that naturally needs to be sped up. However, the calculation of the interval is clearly a good candidate for parallelization. The only complication is the reduction implicit in calculating the value of the variable area. It is straightforward to parallelize the integration code using OpenMP, as shown in Listing 9.15.


Listing 9.15   Numerical Integration Code Parallelized Using OpenMP


double integrate( double start, double end, int intervals )




double area = 0;


double range = ( end – start ) / intervals;


#pragma omp parallel for reduction( +: area )


for( int i=1; i<intervals; i++ )




double pos = i*range + start; area += function( pos );


area += ( function(start) + function(end) ) / 2;


return range * area ;




The other way of uncovering further opportunities for parallelization, in the event of insufficient work, is to look at how the results of the parallel computation are being used. Returning to the Mandelbrot example, it may be the case that the computation is providing a single frame in an animation. If this were the case, then the code could be parallelized at the frame level, which may provide much more concurrent work.


Algorithmic Limit


Algorithms have different abilities to scale to multiple processors. If we return to dis-cussing sorting algorithms, bubble sort is an inherently serial process. Each iteration through the list of elements that require sorting essentially picks a single element and bubbles that element to the top.


It is possible to generalize this algorithm to a parallel version called the odd-even sort. This sort uses two alternate phases of sorting. In the first phase, all the even elements are compared with the adjacent odd element. If they are in the wrong order, then the two elements are swapped. In the second phase, this is repeated with each odd element com-pared to the adjacent even element. This can be considered as in the first phase compar-ing the pair of elements (0,1), (2,3), and so on, and performing a swap between the elements as necessary. In the second phase, the pairs are the elements (1,2), (3,4), and so on. In both phases, each element is part of a single pair, so all the pairs can be computed in parallel, using multiple threads, and the two elements in each pair can be reordered without requiring any locks.


Obviously, better sorting algorithms are available. The most obvious next step is the quicksort. The usual implementation of this algorithm is serial, but it actually lends itself to a parallel implementation because it recursively sorts shorter independent lists of val-ues. When parallelized using tasks, each task performs computation on a distinct range of elements, so there is no requirement for synchronization between the tasks. The code shown in Listing 9.16 demonstrates how a parallel version of quicksort could be imple-mented using OpenMP. The code is called through the quick_sort() routine. This code starts off the parallel region that contains the entire algorithm but uses only a single thread to perform the initial pass. The initial thread is responsible for creating additional tasks that will be undertaken by other available threads.


Listing 9.16   Quicksort Parallelized Using OpenMP

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>


void setup( int * array,int len )




for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ )




array[i] = (i*7 - 3224) ^ 20435;






void quick_sort_range( int * array, int lower, int upper )




int tmp;


int mid = ( upper + lower ) / 2; int pivot = array[mid];


int tlower = lower, tupper = upper; while ( tlower <= tupper )



while ( array[tlower] < pivot ) { tlower++; } while ( array[tupper] > pivot ) { tupper--; } if ( tlower <= tupper )



tmp  = array[tlower];

array[tlower]   =    array[tupper];

array[tupper]   =    tmp;








#pragma omp task shared(array) firstprivate(lower,tupper)


if ( lower < tupper ) { quick_sort_range( array, lower, tupper ); }


#pragma omp task shared(array) firstprivate(tlower,upper)


if ( tlower < upper ) { quick_sort_range( array, tlower, upper ); }




void quick_sort( int *array, int elements )




#pragma omp parallel




#pragma omp single nowait quick_sort_range( array, 0, elements );





void main()




int size = 10*1024*1024;


int * array = (int*)malloc( sizeof(int) * size ); setup( array, size);


quick_sort( array, size-1 );





To summarize this discussion, some algorithms are serial in nature, so to parallelize an application, the algorithm may need to change. Not all parallel algorithms will be equally effective. Critical characteristics are the number of threads an algorithm scales to and the amount of overhead that the algorithm introduces.


In the context of the previous discussion, bubble sort is serial but can be generalized to an odd-even sort. This makes better use of multiple threads but is still not a very effi-cient algorithm. Changing the algorithm to a quick sort provides a more efficient algo-rithm that still manages to scale to many threads.


In this particular instance, we have been fortunate in that our parallel algorithm also happened to be more efficient than the serial version. This need not always be the case. It will sometimes be the case that the parallel algorithm scales well, but at the cost of lower serial performance. In these instances, it is worth considering whether both algo-rithms need to be implemented and a runtime selection made as to which is the more efficient.


There is another approach to algorithms that is not uncommon in some application domains, particularly those where the computation is performed across clusters with significant internode communication costs. This is to use an algorithm that iteratively converges. The number of iterations required depends on the accuracy requirements for the calculation. This provides an interesting tuning mechanism for parallelizing the algorithm.


It is probably easiest to describe this with an example. Suppose the problem is to model the flow of a fluid along an obstructed pipe. It is easy to split the pipe into multiple sections and allocate a set of threads to perform the computation for each sec-tion. However, the results for one section will depend on the results for the adjacent sections. So, the true calculation requires a large volume of data to be exchanged at the intersections.


This exchange of data would serialize the application and limit the amount of scaling that could be achieved. One way around this is to approximate the values from the adja-cent sections and refine those approximations as the adjacent sections refine their results. In this way, it is possible to make the computations nearly independent of each other.


The cost of this approximation is that it will take more iterations of the solver for it to converge on the correct answer.


This kind of approach is often taken with programs run on clusters where there is significant cost associated with exchanging data between two nodes. The approximations enable each node to continue processing in parallel. Despite the increased number of iterations, this approach can lead to faster solution times.


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Multicore Application Programming For Windows, Linux, and Oracle Solaris : Scaling with Multicore Processors : Constraints to Application Scaling |

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