Road traffic accident are
predictable and therefore preventable. So everyone should strictly follow the
road safety rules and signs.
Start early! Drive slowly!! Reach safely!!!
Road safety is primarily meant about the protection and security of all road
Road accidents are undesired events. The loss of life or serious injury results
in the loss of livelihood.
Traffic signs are to regulate traffic, warn about hazards and to guide the road
There are three types of traffic signs such as mandatory signs, cautionary
signs, and informatory signs.
The rule of the road regulation was brought into effect from July 1, 1989.
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has taken a number of steps to
prevent road accidents.
* To strengthen the awareness on
road safety systems, rules and regulations, Ministry of Transport and Highways
Road Safety Week every year.
1. Commuters: passengers பயணிகள்
2. Billboard: a hoarding விளம்பரபலகை
3. Panic: anxiety பதட்டம்
4. Hazard: danger/risk ஆபத்து
5. Mandatory: compulsory கட்டாயம
6. Pillion: a seat for a passenger behind a motorcyclist இரு சக்ர வாகனத்தின் பின்னிருக்கை
7. congestion: overcrowding நெரிசல்
1. The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
2. The Tamil Nadu Motor Vehicles
Rules, 1989
3. Ministry of Road Transport & Highways,
Government of India
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