Classification of Finishes
Textile finishes can be classified in many ways. The two main
groups of finishes are:
This type of finish changes the internal performance of the
fabric. These are given to improve the aesthetic purpose of a fabric. Thus
functional finishes can be further divided into two groups :
Aesthetic Finish
It is given to enhance the fabric appearance and its draping
ability. Some of the important aesthetic finishes are :
a. Napping and scudding
b. Mercerization
c. Shearing
d. Softening
e. Stiffening
Performance Finish
It is given to enrich the fabric properties like strength and
durability. Some of the important functional finishes are :
a. Antimicrobial
b. Moth proof
c. Crease resistant
d. Durable press
e. Soil resistant
Water repellent or water proof
g. Shrink proofing
h. Flame resistant
hese types of finishes improve the quality of the fabric based on
the time line or usage. They can be temporary, semi-permanent or permanent.
1. Temporary Finish
As the name suggest the temporary finish is not a stable finish
and it disappears immediately after the first wash or first few washes. It
includes finishes like :
Starching or sizing
2. Semi-Permanent Finish
This finishing is durable than temporary finish and can withstand
more than 10 to 15 washes. It includes finishes like:
Schreiner calendaring
Buckram finish
3. Permanent Finish
Permanent finishing does not disappear and remains unaffected
through all the conditions of wear and washing treatments given to the fabric.
It include finishes like:
Flame retardant
Resin finish
Water proof or water repellent
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