1 Objectives of Cash Management
2 Basic Problems of Cash Management
3 Cash Management Models
Cash Management
concern needs cash to make payments for acquisition of resources and services
for the normal conduct of business. Cash is one of the important and key parts
of the current assets.
Cash is
the money which a business concern can disburse immediately without any
restriction. The term cash includes coins, currency, cheques held by the
business concern and balance in its bank accounts. Management of cash consists
of cash inflow and outflows, cash flow within the concern and cash balance held
by the concern etc.
1 Objectives of Cash Management
Meeting the cash requirement
of cash requirements on time which normally involves in the maintenance of the
goodwill of the firm. The firm should keep the adequate cash balances to meet
the requirement which are greater in importance.
Minimising the funds locked up in the cash balances
The funds
locked up in the form of cash resources should be more, but it should only to
the tune of the requirement.
2 Basic Problems of Cash Manage ment
Controlling level of cash
(a) Preparing the cash budget: Through
the preparation of the budget, the cash requirement
could be identified which would normally facilitate the firm to trim off the
excessive cash in holding.
(b) Providing room for unpredictable discrepancies: The
separate amount should be maintained for the purpose to meet out the
discrepancies which are not easily foreseen.
Controlling of inflows of cash
(a) Concentration banking
amount of collection from the local branches are normally deposited in a
particular account of the firm, as soon as the deposit has reached the certain
limit , the amount in the respective branch account will be transferred to the
account at where the firm maintains in the head office. This process of
transfer is normally taking place only through telegraphic transfer during the
early days but on now a day the anywhere banking is facilitated to transfer the
amount of deposit instantaneously.
(b) Lock box system
The process of collection is carried out with the help of local post
offices only in order to avoid the postal delays in the transit. This system
enhances the speed of the collection at rapid and finally the local branch
messenger collects the cheques from the parties through specified post box
allocated for the process of collection.
Controlling of cash outflows
(a) Centralizing of disbursing the payments
The centralizing
the process of
payment may facilitate
the enterprise to
take advantage of time in settling the payments i.e., reduces the need
of immediate cash requirements.
(b) Stretching payment schedule
It is
another methodology to avail the maximum possible credit period to postpone the
payment by making use of the cash resources most effectively.
Investing the excessive cash surplus
(a) Determine the need of the surplus cash
the excessive cash resources which are
kept simply idle more than the requirement.
(b) Determination of the various
avenues of investment
After identifying the various investment opportunities , the excessive
cash resources should be invested to earn appropriate rate of return during the
slack season at when the firm does not require greater volume of working
capital and vice versa.
3 Cash Management Mode ls
management models analyse methods which provide certain framework as to how the
cash management is conducted in the firm. Cash management models are the
development of the theoretical concepts into analytical approaches with the
mathematical applications. There are three cash manage me nt models which are
very popular in the field of finance.
1. Baumol model
The basic
objective of the Baumol model is to determine the minimum cost a mount of cash
conversion and the lost opportunity cost.
It is a
model that provides for cost efficient transactional balances and assumes that
the demand for cash can be predicated with certainty and determines the optimal
conversion size.
2. Orgler’s model
model provides for integration of cash management with production and other
aspects of the business concern. Multiple linear programming is used to deter
mine the optimal cash management. Orgler‘s model is formulated, based on the
set of objectives of the firm and specifing the set of constrains of the firm.
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